TYF, Daily Motivational Social Media Or Internet Addiction A - TopicsExpress


TYF, Daily Motivational Social Media Or Internet Addiction A lot of people, young and old are addicted to the social media. People loose concentration at work, in their goals and ambitions due to social media distraction. Road, domestic and industrial accidents are on the rise because people pay more attention to their phones and gadgets while working or walking. Prostitution has been made easy by the popularity of flirting sites. People have been murdered, duped and heart broken by people theyve never met before, people they met on social networks. Men and women have let go of long existing relationships to wait for partners they met on the internet, partners theyve never and may never meet in person. Addiction to social networking has eaten into the fiber of the society. You know youre an internet addict when; *You start shortening your spellings in order to type more and fast. *You start calling your friends users. *Youre on all social networking platforms with the sole intent of meeting new people. *Your idea of a night out is anywhere with charging points, your mobile handset and charger or laptop and charger. *You prefer chatting online than with the people sitting right beside you. *The people around you complain of your preoccupation with your internet enabled device. *Its the end of the world when your device battery goes flat or your internet subscription expires. It is important that you exclude... Read complete message/previous messages @ theyoufactor.org.ng Like FB page to participate in the monthly online discussion @ facebook/theyoufactorng BBM pin; 7979cfa1 Share messages/links to inspire someone.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 06:44:22 +0000

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