Take maybe 15 minutes of your life and read this entire article. - TopicsExpress


Take maybe 15 minutes of your life and read this entire article. Its not a ridiculous meme or a two minute read so it may be difficult to get anyone to read it, but its incredibly interesting. It gives quite a lot of different perspectives and statistics as to why so many more people are athiest or just simply non-religious in the world we live in today. Even for my religious friends this an undeniably good read. Not to make you a disbeliever by any means, but to give evidence to the rise of non-religious people worldwide and to provide logical evidence as to why. I quoted a few parts to maybe get you interested in spending 15 minutes of your life educating yourself... Comments are welcome, Id love to know people actually spent time reading something interesting and that I didnt waste my time making this post. according to recent analyses, approximately 450 to 700 million nonbelievers worldwide. it is a fairly widespread notion, held by academics and nonacademics alike, that religiosity is the sort of natural, innate default position of humankind, while being secular is some sort of oddity, corruption, or aberration. Sociologist Paul Froese characterizes religiosity as “essential,” “universal,” and “fundamental” to the human condition, thereby rendering the secular condition as ultimately unnatural and untenable. Psychology professor Justin Barrett further argues that humans are literally “born believers,” and thus atheism is a problematic, indoctrinated retardation of an otherwise natural, normal human predilection. Theism, such individuals tell us, is simply in our wiring, in our human nature—while atheism is decidedly not. Another bit from the article... For yet one more analogy, consider violent crime. It is just as widespread as religion and dance. It exists in all societies and cultures, past and present. And yet we know that not all people are violent criminals. Most aren’t. So just because a phenomenon exists in all human enclaves does not make it innate or natural to all people. And I would argue that this is exactly the case with religion: not all humans are religious. As nineteenth-century abolitionist and feminist Ernestine Rose argued over a hundred years ago, “We are told that Religion is natural; the belief in a God universal. Were it natural, then it would indeed be universal; but it is not.”
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 23:44:30 +0000

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