Taking Bearings by K. Lee Lerner Scattershooting on the - TopicsExpress


Taking Bearings by K. Lee Lerner Scattershooting on the Siren-like lure of one note solutions that are invariably silly or wrong. In truth, if you crave solutions for a complex world, you must sing the song of science. For a small percentage of the population (lets be generous over conflicting studies and say 6%) gluten sensitivity is a real (and potentially serious) issue -- but it was always a case of mass dietary hysteria. People look for one note dietary solutions. Fat, gluten, salt, and now sugar were/are faddish one notes. Each have real science to support facets of claims, and each presents real problems taken in excessive amounts -- but all are overplayed by those hyping diets or products. Countless documentaries and infomercials (not as far apart as one might wish) deceptively cherry pick data. Health food stores -- especially those that rely on selling homeopathic remedies, vitamins,a nd nutritional supplements many times temples of dietary worship -- are often pushers of pseudoscience for profit. While resisting the faddish, good science evolves and tests previously accepted truths, but it does so through a rigorous methodology. *** As for the the deranged shooter in Santa Barbara. Shamefully, it is now common that Irresponsible news editors produce, undiscerning people consume, and unethical people promote exploitation of the shock, anger, and grief of those in pain as substitute for reasoned and civil debate. Thus far the one note solutions ramble through guns, games, failed mental health, and unbelievably simplistic and vacuous meanderings that misogyny kills. This is a time for mourning and condolences, and also for fact finding that leads to sober and responsible analysis of public policy issues. The case will require careful psychological analysis and study (by experts) to offer us something that might help us prevent tragedies like this in the future. Alas, our 24/7 news cycle must be fed and too often those in pain are thrust into the spotlight of a contentious issue. I have no doubt that had an armed citizen shot and killed this deranged soul at the start of his rampage that the NRA and others would not equally exploit that heros views on a range of issues. Such back and forth reduces complex debates to emotionally charged sound bites and hinders the formation of balanced policies. Off-the-cuff theories about the psychological and mental health dimensions of this case are likely to contribute more to misunderstanding of mental illness or the benefits of therapy than offer genuine insights. Good science takes time. *** As for climate change, science and engineering offer our only realistic hope of understanding the problem and finding solutions. Global warming poses a real threat. Those who deny that fact deny reality and the strong consensus of science on this issue. But it is equally true that none of the political solutions proposed have a chance of success -- and many are simply thinly disguised wealth transfer schemes designed by the corrupt to be easily corrupted. Its a complex and stormy world. One note solutions simply lure us toward shallow waters. ==30==
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 16:06:01 +0000

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