Taking Care of Your Dental Crowns: Your family dentist in - TopicsExpress


Taking Care of Your Dental Crowns: Your family dentist in Highlands Ranch may recommend getting dental crowns for a variety of different reasons. Many people receive dental crowns because they have teeth that are too badly damaged for a filling or because they need to hold a dental bridge securely in its place. Dental crowns are also ideal for preventing tooth breakage and protecting a chipped or worn tooth. After receiving your new dental crowns, talk to your family dentist about how to care for them to extend their longevity. Practice Good Oral Hygiene It is possible for food debris and plaque to build up along the gums and around the dental crown. Although the crown itself cannot be affected by tooth decay, you are still susceptible to gum disease and to developing cavities on natural teeth. Family dentists emphasize the importance of brushing your teeth thoroughly and flossing around each tooth every day. Its best to use a soft-bristled toothbrush to prevent irritation to the sensitive gum tissues. After receiving dental crowns, these areas may be particularly sensitive. Your dentist might recommend using a special toothbrush designed to relieve sensitivity. Additionally, if you are considered to be at a high risk of developing cavities, your dentist might recommend using a fluoride gel every night. Adjust Your Diet Your new dental crowns are held in place by very strong dental cement. However, they may still be susceptible to loosening, especially if you chew sticky foods. Your dentist is likely to recommend that you avoid chewing gum or eating jelly beans, caramels, and similar foods. Similarly, very hard foods such as nuts, carrots, and hard candy may damage the dental crown. Additionally, its possible to experience tooth sensitivity from hot and cold foods after receiving dental crowns. Be wary of eating very cold foods such as ice cream or drinking very hot beverages. Modify Your Chewing Habits Family dentists sometimes recommend trying to chew on the opposite side of the mouth of your dental crowns whenever possible. This can help to reduce wear and tear damage to the dental crown.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 18:02:59 +0000

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