Talking with the Enola Gay’s Last Survivor. Steve Jobs calls - TopicsExpress


Talking with the Enola Gay’s Last Survivor. Steve Jobs calls anger acting in estrangement. Peaches Geldorf said, ”We are all encouraged to take anger management classes in heaven. It takes about three to four years to master with willingness. Today I am speaking to Theodore Van Kirk, the last of the American servicemen who manned the flight of the Enola Gay that dropped the first atom bomb over Hiroshima. He too has a contribution to the general enlightenment leading to the event that will be the big opening of the world’s higher dimension – and it’s concomitant interstellar starship arrivals. He began talking with a smile saying, “I’m just glad I didn’t go to hell when I got up here.” “I am so pleased to be up here and take part in an equally large world effort – to open up the dimension for spaceships, using these specialist psychics in a move equally as bold move as my historic flight over Hiroshima. “I found Garlanda seated in a Chinese restaurant resting among her friends who are so careful to provide an exemplary culinary experience. At first she didn’t think I would talk. She’s used to world leaders up here having the stage in these talks but I had my quiet reflections and they proved to be of value and so I hope you all listen to what I have to say. Garlanda writes down what I say word for word so don’t think anything I hear and care to say on the writer is a reflection of a vain and shallow attitude on her part, please,” Theodore said, I think a lot of us find a conversation when we get up here and sometimes it’s something we had on our minds before our deaths. I’ve been thinking about the diplomatic process our governments are engaged in, with the Ukraine and now Israel and the Hamas, and how valuable it is, just the simple act of talking to each other. Some people don’t find talking easy and I reflect on the importance of the talking process among the world leaders who have been chosen to have a reincarnation at the time we are seeking to open this higher dimension as part of the progress of world technology. The talking process is a sign of a soul’s sophistication and it’s seniority I heard during this first night up in heaven. I’m glad I was a good talker. You can ask my wife (up here) and friends. World leaders who have a vindictive nature like Vladimir Putin, should keep out of leadership. I thought about Putin, on the day his wife left him and I felt he’d gone too far in his vindictive nature for her. Bad luck to a country who ends up with a vindictive leader. No one gets a fair hearing with a vindictive leader and Russians have taken this to a higher level for the world. I’d like to talk about the American political tableau I find. I think about the reality of the four or five top leaders in the Republican Party, like this Governor Chris Christie and Ron Paul and his ‘spawn from hell,’ as I call his son, Rand Paul. To be one of the Republican Party leaders operating in the environment they create today, they must all countenance vindictiveness and therefore, being strong men, must use it themselves, as a choice that fouls our lives in America. ‘Maturity’ is the word I heard called out over the small crowd around me by God, as I was greeted in heaven. Those of you who cling to a Christian religion will have no experience of a mature talking where two people can sort out immense differences - if they will practice being in ‘kind talking’ to each other, but that’s Steve Jobs who I am happily surprised takes a stance as one of our humanitarian leaders up here. God said to me there is a sincere lack of maturity around these writings that lead to our second coming. One week later. “Hi Theo here. I’m not going to stay up here for long. God decided on a future life for me in accord with my firm, efficient work in my job to end the war. This was quite a dramatic job if you think about it. I’ve already had my days filled with boredom and I don‘t envy those kids who died in the Malaysian Flight 17 who here decided to stay up here and wait for you all to get official and open it up. I hope it doesn’t take more than a team of parents to raise the funding for it, but at a hundred trained interstellar psychics for one base, I saw we actually need or raise one billion dollars for this. Where do we get this? I was thinking about it and scratched my head. Sir Richard Branson! I asked God. God told me there was a lot of disapproval among the English, that this was respectable enough. I wondered at that. Then I thought to offer that to Garlanda as encouragement. What I did wasn’t respectable enough. Nobody would believe me when I told them we could end the war with one big bomb. I tried it on my family. They wouldn’t have a bar of it. Family never believe in your outrageous propositions. They lack respect for your business acumen. They always do. It’s a funny parallel. There she is, ready to end all wars with her open the dimension and draw the spaceships out here with her non mechanical tools.” He told me, “But don’t worry God said those hard unbelievers around you will shovel way for decades where they needn’t.” “Fools for men,” God said again. This is what God meant by the expression ‘men are fools.’ You have psychics who can speak to God directly. Why would you never have one to run a church? All the churches should be run by the best psychics who can speak to God. I had no idea there was a popular spiritual group who could do this, and now I think in the States there are about three or four.” Next he surprised me, sounding something like Carl Jung. He said a psychic who was holy and trendy was a big threat to the ‘men of the church’ English typical male ego that a guy such as John Edward could have. Saying, “Sorry John did I bypass you as footnote in the pages of history? Well it wouldn’t be the first time. There’s a whole lot of us up here that are too proud to deign to go to you, as you puff yourself up to gabble through a scant description of the often troubled people up here. Never heard you give a realistic description of the often isolated lonely conditions the real ones face up here. Your show is so dolly up pretty many of us are just too intelligent to go there. But yes, I wish I could talk to my sons and daughters and my group of friends and the rest of family. I think your bland non thinking version of the heaven based communication has run our Second Coming off the tracks John. That’s what God told me to say. God wants technology John. Technology can be our saviour and our breakthrough in a climate crisis that the big spaceships increase to a hot clammy sweat – through you. These were the words I heard.” Theodore Van Kirk explained further, “ You know you are a whole era behind these top psychics today and you pull our planet backward in this, its urgent and difficult uprising to a multi dimension world where there are any number of humanitarian spaceships waiting to get in here that will cool our planet down. “You’re like a red hot rocket - going nowhere, John. That’s all I wanted to say here.” Theodore asked me to get this to Oprah Winfrey, commenting, “You’d think you care for what was true rather than what some religion said, Oprah. You can open the higher dimension and get any number of spaceships willingly flying in here. We have all of the knowledge to do it now. Theodore Van Kirk had one last comment, “You know this writer is a hell of a lot smarter than any priest you’d meet.” I heard Steve Jobs comment, “If this doesn’t mean a lot to you then you’ve lost your wits in middle age Oprah. You like dealing with a whole Midwest flock – for this Australian fashion designer. I feel you’ve got to face how many of us are dissatisfied with you in heaven Oprah,” Theodore Van Kirk put forth. “I’ll be here for a year or two if anyone wants to confirm that I’ve spoken the words of God to you.” Talking with the Enola Gay’s Last Survivor. Steve Jobs calls anger acting in estrangement. Peaches Geldorf said, ”We are all encouraged to take anger management classes in heaven. It takes about three to four years to master with willingness. Today I am speaking to Theodore Van Kirk, the last of the American servicemen who manned the flight of the Enola Gay that dropped the first atom bomb over Hiroshima. He too has a contribution to the general enlightenment leading to the event that will be the big opening of the world’s higher dimension – and it’s concomitant interstellar starship arrivals. He began talking with a smile saying, “I’m just glad I didn’t go to hell when I got up here.” “I am so pleased to be up here and take part in an equally large world effort – to open up the dimension for spaceships, using these specialist psychics in a move equally as bold move as my historic flight over Hiroshima. “I found Garlanda seated in a Chinese restaurant resting among her friends who are so careful to provide an exemplary culinary experience. At first she didn’t think I would talk. She’s used to world leaders up here having the stage in these talks but I had my quiet reflections and they proved to be of value and so I hope you all listen to what I have to say. Garlanda writes down what I say word for word so don’t think anything I hear and care to say on the writer is a reflection of a vain and shallow attitude on her part, please,” Theodore said, I think a lot of us find a conversation when we get up here and sometimes it’s something we had on our minds before our deaths. I’ve been thinking about the diplomatic process our governments are engaged in, with the Ukraine and now Israel and the Hamas, and how valuable it is, just the simple act of talking to each other. Some people don’t find talking easy and I reflect on the importance of the talking process among the world leaders who have been chosen to have a reincarnation at the time we are seeking to open this higher dimension as part of the progress of world technology. The talking process is a sign of a soul’s sophistication and it’s seniority I heard during this first night up in heaven. I’m glad I was a good talker. You can ask my wife (up here) and friends. World leaders who have a vindictive nature like Vladimir Putin, should keep out of leadership. I thought about Putin, on the day his wife left him and I felt he’d gone too far in his vindictive nature for her. Bad luck to a country who ends up with a vindictive leader. No one gets a fair hearing with a vindictive leader and Russians have taken this to a higher level for the world. I’d like to talk about the American political tableau I find. I think about the reality of the four or five top leaders in the Republican Party, like this Governor Chris Christie and Ron Paul and his ‘spawn from hell,’ as I call his son, Rand Paul. To be one of the Republican Party leaders operating in the environment they create today, they must all countenance vindictiveness and therefore, being strong men, must use it themselves, as a choice that fouls our lives in America. ‘Maturity’ is the word I heard called out over the small crowd around me by God, as I was greeted in heaven. Those of you who cling to a Christian religion will have no experience of a mature talking where two people can sort out immense differences - if they will practice being in ‘kind talking’ to each other, but that’s Steve Jobs who I am happily surprised takes a stance as one of our humanitarian leaders up here. God said to me there is a sincere lack of maturity around these writings that lead to our second coming. One week later. “Hi Theo here. I’m not going to stay up here for long. God decided on a future life for me in accord with my firm, efficient work in my job to end the war. This was quite a dramatic job if you think about it. I’ve already had my days filled with boredom and I don‘t envy those kids who died in the Malaysian Flight 17 who here decided to stay up here and wait for you all to get official and open it up. I hope it doesn’t take more than a team of parents to raise the funding for it, but at a hundred trained interstellar psychics for one base, I saw we actually need or raise one billion dollars for this. Where do we get this? I was thinking about it and scratched my head. Sir Richard Branson! I asked God. God told me there was a lot of disapproval among the English, that this was respectable enough. I wondered at that. Then I thought to offer that to Garlanda as encouragement. What I did wasn’t respectable enough. Nobody would believe me when I told them we could end the war with one big bomb. I tried it on my family. They wouldn’t have a bar of it. Family never believe in your outrageous propositions. They lack respect for your business acumen. They always do. It’s a funny parallel. There she is, ready to end all wars with her open the dimension and draw the spaceships out here with her non mechanical tools.” He told me, “But don’t worry God said those hard unbelievers around you will shovel way for decades where they needn’t.” “Fools for men,” God said again. This is what God meant by the expression ‘men are fools.’ You have psychics who can speak to God directly. Why would you never have one to run a church? All the churches should be run by the best psychics who can speak to God. I had no idea there was a popular spiritual group who could do this, and now I think in the States there are about three or four.” Next he surprised me, sounding something like Carl Jung. He said a psychic who was holy and trendy was a big threat to the ‘men of the church’ English typical male ego that a guy such as John Edward could have. Saying, “Sorry John did I bypass you as footnote in the pages of history? Well it wouldn’t be the first time. There’s a whole lot of us up here that are too proud to deign to go to you, as you puff yourself up to gabble through a scant description of the often troubled people up here. Never heard you give a realistic description of the often isolated lonely conditions the real ones face up here. Your show is so dolly up pretty many of us are just too intelligent to go there. But yes, I wish I could talk to my sons and daughters and my group of friends and the rest of family. I think your bland non thinking version of the heaven based communication has run our Second Coming off the tracks John. That’s what God told me to say. God wants technology John. Technology can be our saviour and our breakthrough in a climate crisis that the big spaceships increase to a hot clammy sweat – through you. These were the words I heard.” Theodore Van Kirk explained further, “ You know you are a whole era behind these top psychics today and you pull our planet backward in this, its urgent and difficult uprising to a multi dimension world where there are any number of humanitarian spaceships waiting to get in here that will cool our planet down. “You’re like a red hot rocket - going nowhere, John. That’s all I wanted to say here.” Theodore asked me to get this to Oprah Winfrey, commenting, “You’d think you care for what was true rather than what some religion said, Oprah. You can open the higher dimension and get any number of spaceships willingly flying in here. We have all of the knowledge to do it now. Theodore Van Kirk had one last comment, “You know this writer is a hell of a lot smarter than any priest you’d meet.” I heard Steve Jobs comment, “If this doesn’t mean a lot to you then you’ve lost your wits in middle age Oprah. You like dealing with a whole Midwest flock – for this Australian fashion designer. I feel you’ve got to face how many of us are dissatisfied with you in heaven Oprah,” Theodore Van Kirk put forth. “I’ll be here for a year or two if anyone wants to confirm that I’ve spoken the words of God to you.” Talking with the Enola Gay’s Last Survivor. Steve Jobs calls anger acting in estrangement. Peaches Geldorf said, ”We are all encouraged to take anger management classes in heaven. It takes about three to four years to master with willingness. Today I am speaking to Theodore Van Kirk, the last of the American servicemen who manned the flight of the Enola Gay that dropped the first atom bomb over Hiroshima. He too has a contribution to the general enlightenment leading to the event that will be the big opening of the world’s higher dimension – and it’s concomitant interstellar starship arrivals. He began talking with a smile saying, “I’m just glad I didn’t go to hell when I got up here.” “I am so pleased to be up here and take part in an equally large world effort – to open up the dimension for spaceships, using these specialist psychics in a move equally as bold move as my historic flight over Hiroshima. “I found Garlanda seated in a Chinese restaurant resting among her friends who are so careful to provide an exemplary culinary experience. At first she didn’t think I would talk. She’s used to world leaders up here having the stage in these talks but I had my quiet reflections and they proved to be of value and so I hope you all listen to what I have to say. Garlanda writes down what I say word for word so don’t think anything I hear and care to say on the writer is a reflection of a vain and shallow attitude on her part, please,” Theodore said, I think a lot of us find a conversation when we get up here and sometimes it’s something we had on our minds before our deaths. I’ve been thinking about the diplomatic process our governments are engaged in, with the Ukraine and now Israel and the Hamas, and how valuable it is, just the simple act of talking to each other. Some people don’t find talking easy and I reflect on the importance of the talking process among the world leaders who have been chosen to have a reincarnation at the time we are seeking to open this higher dimension as part of the progress of world technology. The talking process is a sign of a soul’s sophistication and it’s seniority I heard during this first night up in heaven. I’m glad I was a good talker. You can ask my wife (up here) and friends. World leaders who have a vindictive nature like Vladimir Putin, should keep out of leadership. I thought about Putin, on the day his wife left him and I felt he’d gone too far in his vindictive nature for her. Bad luck to a country who ends up with a vindictive leader. No one gets a fair hearing with a vindictive leader and Russians have taken this to a higher level for the world. I’d like to talk about the American political tableau I find. I think about the reality of the four or five top leaders in the Republican Party, like this Governor Chris Christie and Ron Paul and his ‘spawn from hell,’ as I call his son, Rand Paul. To be one of the Republican Party leaders operating in the environment they create today, they must all countenance vindictiveness and therefore, being strong men, must use it themselves, as a choice that fouls our lives in America. ‘Maturity’ is the word I heard called out over the small crowd around me by God, as I was greeted in heaven. Those of you who cling to a Christian religion will have no experience of a mature talking where two people can sort out immense differences - if they will practice being in ‘kind talking’ to each other, but that’s Steve Jobs who I am happily surprised takes a stance as one of our humanitarian leaders up here. God said to me there is a sincere lack of maturity around these writings that lead to our second coming. One week later. “Hi Theo here. I’m not going to stay up here for long. God decided on a future life for me in accord with my firm, efficient work in my job to end the war. This was quite a dramatic job if you think about it. I’ve already had my days filled with boredom and I don‘t envy those kids who died in the Malaysian Flight 17 who here decided to stay up here and wait for you all to get official and open it up. I hope it doesn’t take more than a team of parents to raise the funding for it, but at a hundred trained interstellar psychics for one base, I saw we actually need or raise one billion dollars for this. Where do we get this? I was thinking about it and scratched my head. Sir Richard Branson! I asked God. God told me there was a lot of disapproval among the English, that this was respectable enough. I wondered at that. Then I thought to offer that to Garlanda as encouragement. What I did wasn’t respectable enough. Nobody would believe me when I told them we could end the war with one big bomb. I tried it on my family. They wouldn’t have a bar of it. Family never believe in your outrageous propositions. They lack respect for your business acumen. They always do. It’s a funny parallel. There she is, ready to end all wars with her open the dimension and draw the spaceships out here with her non mechanical tools.” He told me, “But don’t worry God said those hard unbelievers around you will shovel way for decades where they needn’t.” “Fools for men,” God said again. This is what God meant by the expression ‘men are fools.’ You have psychics who can speak to God directly. Why would you never have one to run a church? All the churches should be run by the best psychics who can speak to God. I had no idea there was a popular spiritual group who could do this, and now I think in the States there are about three or four.” Next he surprised me, sounding something like Carl Jung. He said a psychic who was holy and trendy was a big threat to the ‘men of the church’ English typical male ego that a guy such as John Edward could have. Saying, “Sorry John did I bypass you as footnote in the pages of history? Well it wouldn’t be the first time. There’s a whole lot of us up here that are too proud to deign to go to you, as you puff yourself up to gabble through a scant description of the often troubled people up here. Never heard you give a realistic description of the often isolated lonely conditions the real ones face up here. Your show is so dolly up pretty many of us are just too intelligent to go there. But yes, I wish I could talk to my sons and daughters and my group of friends and the rest of family. I think your bland non thinking version of the heaven based communication has run our Second Coming off the tracks John. That’s what God told me to say. God wants technology John. Technology can be our saviour and our breakthrough in a climate crisis that the big spaceships increase to a hot clammy sweat – through you. These were the words I heard.” Theodore Van Kirk explained further, “ You know you are a whole era behind these top psychics today and you pull our planet backward in this, its urgent and difficult uprising to a multi dimension world where there are any number of humanitarian spaceships waiting to get in here that will cool our planet down. “You’re like a red hot rocket - going nowhere, John. That’s all I wanted to say here.” Theodore asked me to get this to Oprah Winfrey, commenting, “You’d think you care for what was true rather than what some religion said, Oprah. You can open the higher dimension and get the large number of spaceships willingly flying in here. We have all of the knowledge to do it now. Theodore Van Kirk had one last comment, “You know this writer is a hell of a lot smarter than any priest you’d meet.” I heard Steve Jobs comment, “If this doesn’t mean a lot to you then you’ve lost your wits in middle age Oprah. You like dealing with a whole Midwest flock – for this Australian fashion designer. I feel you’ve got to face how many of us are dissatisfied with you in heaven Oprah,” Theodore Van Kirk put forth. “I’ll be here for a year or two if anyone wants to confirm that I’ve spoken the words of God to you.”
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 16:11:52 +0000

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