Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) is a perennial, herbaceous flowering - TopicsExpress


Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) is a perennial, herbaceous flowering plant of the aster family, native to temperate Europe and Asia. It has been introduced to other parts of the world and in some areas has become invasive. It is also known as Common Tansy, Bitter Buttons, Cow Bitter, Mugwort, or Golden Buttons Tansy has a long history of use. It was first recorded as being cultivated by the ancient Greeks for medicinal purposes. In the 8th century AD it was grown in the herb gardens of Charlemagne and by Benedictine monks of the Swiss monastery of Saint Gall. Tansy was used to treat intestinal worms, rheumatism, digestive problems, fevers, sores, and to “bring out” measles. Tansy was used as a face wash and was reported to lighten and purify the skin. In the 19th century, Irish folklore suggested that bathing in a solution of tansy and salts would cure joint pain.Although most of its medicinal uses have been discredited, tansy is still a component of some medicines and is listed by the United States Pharmacopeia as a treatment for fevers, feverish colds, and jaundice Insect repellent! Tansy has also been cultivated and used for its insect repellent and in the worm warding type of embalming. In England tansy is placed on window sills to repel flies; sprigs are placed in bed linen to drive away pests, and it has been used as an ant repellent Culinary uses. Tansy was formerly used as a flavoring for puddings and omelets, but is now almost unknown. The herbalist John Gerard noted that tansy was well known as “pleasant in taste”, and he recommends tansy sweetmeats as “an especial thing against the gout, if every day for a certain space a reasonable quantitie thereof be eaten fasting.” In Yorkshire, tansy and caraway seeds were traditionally used in biscuits. To order Blue Tansy Essential Oil go to: https://youngliving/signup/?sponsorid=1554421&enrollerid=1554421 If you dont have an account, you can create one from our website and purchase this Essential Oil . Better still, enroll as a Wholesale Member and purchase any Young Living product at a 24% discount! No need to sell, or stock inventory. Just 24% off products delivered to your door! Enjoy
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 20:19:31 +0000

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