Taxes and the state of government - a couple of things that make - TopicsExpress


Taxes and the state of government - a couple of things that make me go Hmmm Trained as an engineer, I was taught logical thinking. In preparing my taxes this year and seeing all the finger pointing in government at all levels, there are many things that make me scratch my head and say WTF given Ive worked my way from a middle class upbringing to achieve what most (and I) view as the American Dream or at least, my version of it. Its convenient to blame one side or the other in politics but it doesnt really solve the problems we the people face. While there was stack of Bills that Harry Reid would not let the Senate vote on that came from the House, some think he was actually as bad as John Boehner sitting on bills but you would never know it because of the press. It looks like we are in a we suck less political environment and the majority of the American people lose because we dont really want to fix the core issues we face as a nation. The focus of the top 1% being the group to solve all of our woes from a politicians view without looking into it in detail is a false argument in my opinion because it can include small business and much lower income than is purported, although quite a bit more than the average middle class and why most one percenters gladly pay their tax rates without complaining. Is it really too much to ask that our government doesnt waste it? Is there already plenty of money to cover the so called entitlement programs and what some view as social justice if fraud, abuse, and waste were taken serious and real tax reform was done? Oh by the way, reform to me isnt simply more taxing of the people politicians view as rich. There may need to be more focus on the top 0.1%, but no one clearly articulates it. The answer would appear to be to reform the tax code but there is no real courage or leadership to do it as far as I can tell. Its very easy to blame the rich (people making $250K and above according to some politicians) than roll up their sleeves and fix the root cause of the problem which in my humble opinion is the 72,000 page book of favors called the U.S. Tax code which is a mess. Heck, I spend hours using turbo tax to figure this mess out where other countries simply fill out a 3x5 card and send it in due to simplification. Is it not so obvious that the real issue to address is the tax code compared to adding one more tax hike that the idiots in DC will ultimately waste and ask for more? Maybe yes, maybe no but I have yet to see a detailed proposal from either side on comprehensive tax code reform because to do it requires a little pain for everyone. Ive always said that I am fortunate and have no problem paying my fair share of taxes but want the government to spend it wisely and not waste it. I work with a lot of people in Silicon Valley in the 1% salary range and they are by no means the ultra rich. They take risks in start ups, work long hours creating products and technology that change the world and yet are vilified as those evil one percenters that dont pay their fair share. They pay it not only in taxes but sacrifice to family in the long hours they work creating technology to make this world a better place. It feels like it will take a real crisis or collapse before anything will be done. I look at an $18T and climbing national debt and say the crisis is now but what the heck do I know, I could be wrong with my math. The article below appears to be a good view of exactly who is the top 1%, a group that has a wide range in it. It is very accurate as far as where the lower end, working professionals, sit today in their career so maybe it will shed some light that those fortunate to get to this level actually do pay their fair share and are not the villains some politicians make them out to be. Things that make you go Hmmm ..... or WTF?
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 20:58:21 +0000

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