Teachings from the Archive of THE LAST DAYS Page; The Great - TopicsExpress


Teachings from the Archive of THE LAST DAYS Page; The Great Tribulation, Series 1 to 3. Visit THE LAST DAYS Group Page for many more. Happy reading. THE GREAT TIRBULATION: Unleashing the Almighty’s Bowls of Wrath upon the Earth during the last 3.5yrs By David Olalekan Boyede on Tuesday, August 21, 2012 at 8:34pm THE GREAT TIRIBULATION: Unleashing the Almighty’s Bowls of Wrath upon the Earth during the last 3.5yrs A MUST READ: The Great Tribulation--1 [Mercy in Judgment; Angelic Heralds]. By now, the state of the earth is in a mess. The divine Judgments of the past 3.5years has left the earth greatly decimated of its population. The Beast, known as the Antichrist, has shown his real self for what he is. The Jews, being the only nation with the strongest national religion has been defeated, dispersed, massacred, and exiled with only a few people left in their land. Great number of the Jews are now in the desert of Edom (precisely Bozrah); where they shall be divinely cared for the subsequent remaining ugly 3.5 years (Rev. 12:3 & 14; Ps.60:9-10; Isa.26:20-21). By now, anybody known as a believer in CHRIST {i.e. Tribulation Saint} has automatically had their heads chopped off. All the yet-to-be discovered Saints are now living in hiding. No one dare show their face publicly talk less of preaching the Gospel. YET, a great number of the defeated and scattered Jews and Islamists are yet to take the Beasts mark, considering it abominable by their individual religious convictions; and also, such people who live in the earths remotest locations are largely yet to be marked. They [the Jews, Muslims and the remote people] are yet to seal their fate, either by believing CHRIST or receiving the Beasts mark. WHO WILL GET THESE PEOPLE TO TAKE SIDE WITH GOD? Obviously, no Saint could dare preach again in the public. Yet, God, who is rich in Mercy and abounding in Love, does not want anyone to perish (Ezek.18:23; 33:11; 2Pet.3:9). THEREFORE, out of HIS boundless Love and rich Mercy, GOD ordained three angelic heralds: 1. To Proclaim the Everlasting GOSPEL to all who live on earth and are yet to take the mark of doom; 2. To announce the destruction of the Beasts capital city, namely, Babylon and; 3. To declare the impending suffering and the eternal doom of those who take the Beasts mark (Rev.14:6-11). What Love can be this great? When the Saints could no longer do public evangelism to win souls for CHRIST, God takes the initiative by sending a particular winged-angel to fly in the sky and proclaim the Gospel to men all over the earth (Rev.14:6-7). Although they would see and wonder at the Gospel preaching Angel and hear his voice as he preaches to them; yet, most of the unmarked people will still be hardened in their hearts and refuse to repent, hating the fact that the angel is proclaiming Jesus as the CHRIST and the only Saviour, . . . a stumbling block to the Jews. . . and a frame-up foolishness to the Muslims (cf 1Cor.1:23). Yet, ALL that God is doing is to save the people from the bitter days, weeks, months and years ahead that will constitute the Great Tribulation and the eternity in the spirited-flame of burning lake of fire. Yet most of them would not yield. WHAT A PITY! Dear FRIENDS, if you know for real what agony awaits an unbeliever in the eternity, you will run to JESUS for the Salvation of Grace and abstain from sin as much as possible. The earlier the better! Believe in the Lord Jesus NOW and you shall be saved (Acts 16:31). Following these angelic heralds, the Almighty God shall unleash HIS indignation unto the earth, punishing and destroying people for their stiff-neckedness. WHY refuse CHRIST? Why live in sin? Why go to hell, oh friend? Repent today and HIS Grace shall get you saved. PEACE! A MUST READ: The Great Tribulation--2 [The Rise of Justice]. Throughout the history of humanity, God has never left Himself without a witness. Regardless of a generations location or godlessness, HIS witness will still be there through whom Gods approved standard is seen. E.g., Seth (Gen.5), Noah (Gen.6-9), Abraham, Lot, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph (Gen.12-50), Moses & Israel as a nation (Exodus - Malachi). These were Gods lights through whom HE had condemned godlessness in the world. NOW, Hed raised the CHURCH as His witness until the Rapture (see Acts 1:8). After the Rapture, HE will send the Two Witnesses (who will be either Elijah & Moses or Elijah & Enoch, Rev.11 cf Zech.4:11-14) and the Tribulation Saints to proclaim the Everlasting Gospel unto the obstinate children of men as did the Old Testament witnesses throughout history. After 3.5years of witnessing, the Two Witnesses shall be killed and God shall raised them three and a half days later, taking them to heaven (Rev.11-13). THEN, the Tribulation Saints, the last set of human witnesses, shall face death for their faith and witness for CHRIST (Rev.13:7). Then, WHO ELSE, shall witness for God? Angels! (See the last series & Rev. 14:6-11). GOD will send Angels to witness in-order to satisfy His Love and Mercy towards man (Jn.3:16; 2Cor.5:14-15 & James 2:13). YET, majority of humanity will not heed the Gospel. So, what else, but the rise of Gods JUSTICE that dispenses His judgments on man. Judgment! Judgment!! Judgment!!! His justice shall wield the Sword of Gods judgment in great wrath. And, Who can withstand His indignation? Who can endure His fierce anger? His wrath is poured out like fire; the rocks [of human hardheartedness] are shattered before Him (Nahum 1:6). The Great Day of the LORD is near- near and coming quickly. Listen! The cry on the day of the LORD will be bitter . . . That day will be a day of wrath, a day of distress and anguish, a day of trouble and ruin, a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and darkness. . . . . I will bring distress on the people and they will walk like blind men BECAUSE THEY HAVE SINNED AGAINST the LORD. . . .the whole world will be consumed, for HE will make a sudden end of ALL who live on earth (Zeph.1:14-18). THEN, I saw in heaven another great and marvelous sign: SEVEN angels with the seven last plagues--last, because with them Gods wrath is completed (Rev.15:1). God is using every available means today to preach the Gospel so that men are without excuse (Rom.1:20). Will God be seen as wicked when applying His judgment to men for being adamantly obstinate or unrepentant? No! He is and shall stretch HIS hands to their full limit, but man has refused to yield (cf Luke 13:34 & 35). If after all these attempts to reach out to you and I, God cannot be blamed if we still refuse such a great salvation. For, how shall we escape [GODS Wrath] if we ignore such a Great Salvation? . . . (Heb.2:3a). The SEVEN Angels are now ready to destroy the world and its vain glories! (Rev. 15). PEACE! A MUST READ: The Great Tribulation--3 [The Emergence of the Destroyer-Angels] If you still remember, when Tribulation in our write-up began 3.5 years ago, the murdered Tribulation Saints, who were slained FOR the Word of God and the Testimony which they held were under the heavenly Altar from where they cried to God for vengeance of their blood on them that dwell on the earth (Rev.6:9-11). In answer to their cry, white robes were given them and were told to wait a little. Eventually, the 7-Seal and the 7-Trumpet judgments avenged their blood on them that dwell on Earth (Rev.6 to 11). This time around, the martyrs of faith [the Tribulation Saints] who had gotten victory over the beast, his image, his mark and over the number of his name --they got the victory by rejecting the mark and laying down their lives-- they simply stood on the heavenly Sea of Glass and sang the song of Moses and of the Lamb (Rev.15:2-4). This, I assume, they did to let open the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony in heaven (15:5). Remember that Psalm which speaks of entering His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. (Ps.100:4). The celestial Temple door now stands opened. But unfortunately, what emerged out of it was for the destruction of them that dwell on earth. And, Out of the Temple came the seven angels with the seven plagues. . . . .THEN one of the four living Creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls filled with the wrath of God, who lives for ever and ever (Rev.15:6-7). These seven golden bowls with the Angels contain the last plagues, -last, because with them Gods wrath [on the inhabitants of the earth] is completed (Rev.15:1). The mission of these seven Angel is what will constitute the darkest time in the history of humanity. Sorrow upon sorrow; mortal pains without relief will befall men; deep regret and suicide will be rampant; destructions and death shall be on rampage. Fire, earthquakes, pestilence, epidemic diseases, natural disasters and cosmic disturbance; biting darkness(darkness you can almost touch physically) and burning sun rays; hails, meteors, stars and the moon-- everything that constitutes the nature shall terrify and destroy men. The strongest of men shall shed tears like babies for the occurrences shall perplex them. There shall be no more happiness, joy, relief or pleasure in those days. Humanity shall weep in great distress as the Great Tribulation unleashes its stings upon the inhabitant of the earth. Friends, reading about this sorrow-filled-time of the human history should be the only knowledge you ought to have. Experiencing this time will be unimaginable! No mortal man shall not be broken by it, as hundreds of thousands of men throng the gates of hell every hour. That is why the message of salvation offers you a way of escape. You can escape! Friend, have you been reconciled to God through His only Son, Jesus CHRIST? As you can see, . . . .whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for Gods wrath remains on him {or her} (John 3:36). I plead with you to believe in the LORD JESUS, and you will be saved. . . . (Acts 16:31). Simply ask Him to forgive you and be your lord and saviour. Jesus loves and awaits your calling out to Him today. PEACE!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Dec 2013 13:46:31 +0000

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