Team Cosette Posted by Sherry L. Neumann · 46 minutes ago · - TopicsExpress


Team Cosette Posted by Sherry L. Neumann · 46 minutes ago · Edited Hi everyone!!! I am posting to let all of you that love Cosette, and have been following her journey know what Dr. Moeser said today when she saw him. He says that Cosette does show improvement in her neurological responses, however he had hoped that it would have been more significant. He says that she could improve more over the next couple wks. She doesnt have to be crated anymore and can play supervised with the other dogs and can go out potty off leash. YAY!!!! The fact that she can not go down to the next decreased level of steroids isnt good. He would ideally like to have her take one 5mg tab every other day but she is unable to do this without having major neurological issues which means that there is still swelling around the brain and the steroid is decreasing it. The bad thing about steroids is that they cause other issues if used for long term and that they will only help until Cosettes underlying problem gets worse to the point where there is irreversible damage to her brain. Although she has 2 very separate brain defects they work in conjunction with each other and make things a little more complex. The Hydrocephalus was the issue that was of most concern and that is fixed. Now we may have to address the Chiari which we had hoped would have been a none issue, because we had hoped that decreasing the fluid in her brain would be enough to reduce the size of her brain so that her brain stem wouldnt be getting pinched by sliding out onto the spinal cord. So all this being said lets pray that in the coming couple wks things improve much more than they have. She wil take a decreased dose of steroids but will take it every day instead of every other day. If things do not improve as well as expected than decompression surgery will need to be done in the next couple months. So that being said I want to get a head of the game so that Im not rushing at the last minute to come up with the funds for a surgery for her. I will be finishing up the fleece throws for people on my list and the couple of special orders I have for mega throws and than focus on having another online auction to raise the funds needed for Cosettes possible surgery. If for some reason she ends up not needing that surgery than I will donate a good portion of the money raised to other babies in need and keep some for Cosettes on going medical treatment. Thank u everyone for supporting, loving, caring and praying for little Cosette. This is just the toughest thing for any parent to go through. My poor baby Cosette
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 02:18:40 +0000

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