Team goals and selection of team members. - Features of a - TopicsExpress


Team goals and selection of team members. - Features of a successful team have a clear vision and sense of direction - Do not be achieved without the existence of clear goals , the kind of challenge , and can be measured - Can distinguish between two types of goals : 1 - common goals among team members - Focus all efforts towards them Example : - manufacturing team aims to complete 300 Part of the daily radio - Aviation team hosts aim to provide the service to all passengers on the plane 2 - personal goals for each member of the team members - In addition to the common goals , each member of his personal goals - Possible that these goals conflict with the objectives of the team Example : the goal of achieving sales representative sales during the year by one million dollars - This goal can be reflected in the quality of service and thus customer satisfaction , which is reflected negatively on the team as a whole - To get rid of the negative effects and no conflict of goals for the team leader can be used as a complementary target , any target complements the personal aim of the group as if to say : - You can reach this goal, provided that they obtain the customer satisfaction level at least 90 % . Choose the members of the team work Team Composition - Is one of the important aspects of the design team - So the commander taking into account the following factors while selecting team members : 1 - roles required of a member of the team - What are the behavioral characteristics required of a member of the team in a certain position - There are specific roles of the individual can do - There are two types of roles required within the team : A - especially the roles of tasks : Task Roles - Include a range of conduct required to focus on the achievement of the objectives of the team - Include ongoing work to accomplish the tasks required Example : - repair of equipment Budget preparation Inspecting the quality of production B - social roles Socioemotional roles - Include behavior that is determined by which relations between the members of the team - Also includes conduct that is determined by which social and psychological needs of individuals Example : - Encourage team members - To mediate in the event of conflict 2 - individual properties that will facilitate the success of the team : - As noted above , there are unexpected contributions from individual to team A - special contributions task B - social contributions - The individual can not provide these contributions without getting . Knowledge . Skill . And the ability - These conditions you need to get them : T. - The process of choosing a correct and effective W - or through training and development - To all cases , you must make sure that the team is composed of members of their properties qualify them to do roles that managed to get the expected results of the team A - individual properties managed to do specific tasks roles : - Physical capabilities - Special abilities ( accounting ) . - Self-management skills : . Note the ability to self ( self- evaluation of performance ) . The ability to set goals B - individual properties managed to do social roles : - The ability to deal with conflict ( Conflict Management ) - Cooperation in solving problems (participation in decision-making ) - Effective communication skills ( communication formal and informal ) - Networks ( centralized communications , decentralized communications ) - Personality traits ( cooperation , attention, endurance ) - Emotional balance 3 - appropriate between team members - Appropriate occur between members of the team when they arise positive social relationship between the team members - Positive social relationship occur when there is an interaction between individuals resulting from the interests and beliefs similar to the members of the team . - Also occur when they are accepting new members shared the same values and behavior.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 12:07:34 +0000

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