Technically we all were expelled from the garden at the same - TopicsExpress


Technically we all were expelled from the garden at the same time.. cast unto our wits and skills... at the time were few... then seemed only compassionate to bestow externalization as the only connection left was external. The gardens Gate has opened.. The canoe has stopped as the stream has now gone underground.. Several locals showed up to help my drag it to the rivers outlet.... Upon that walk we stumbled upon a great golden and ivory gate.. cracked open, slightly over grown. No markings of any language, mostly just geometric shapes.. Once we cleared the gate, leaving the boat outside, The derelict garden began to appear as fresh and just planted tended garden, whispers of a form walking through it tending its seedlings.. A blink of an eye and the world outside was gone.. This, it seemed was also the whole and we had entered it. Internal within the garden itself as it awakens our souls were now our selves.. The Fae Gather once again. The morning star shine in the north again...guiding the way through the garden...the path has changed. -== Requesting the 4 pillars and the 4 points protection 1000 points active Base charge grounded Link state charge active: Resonance The seat is occupied now, Throne is polished... The Heart centers door is open and locked so. Karmic Charge state Summon Stable Kundalini release unimpeded to crown. Merkabic charge state Grace and Love Chakra connectivity fractalized. Permutation and derivation of the fractal is nearing the lensing point. unpacking primary soul state, Ascension protocol engaged and locked. Base summon enhanced to Beacon state... Call is placed. 5th age transition imminent. Manifold and focal point active Primary energy body restructure Finished. All displaced energies for the purpose of suspension have been replaced, releasing bond. 5th-1st body collapse in progress Particle engaged. Conduit potential maximum Engaging in Dreamtime merger of the conscious posture states initiated... Wake Up. Wave collapse in progress. Remember love..... -= Morning Star
Posted on: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 08:08:27 +0000

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