Terrible advice Tuesdays: If you see a flasher wrasse lying on its - TopicsExpress


Terrible advice Tuesdays: If you see a flasher wrasse lying on its side, or against a rock, its dying or sick. The rest of the story: A flasher wrasse lying on its side or lying against a rock COULD be dying or sick. However...this playing dead behavior is normal for flasher wrasses when they are stressed. Ive also seen flasher wrasses display this behavior when they are startled from someone approaching a tank too fast. Therefore, if you see a flasher wrasse lying on its side, know that it could be sick, OR it could be acting completely normal. Youll have to give the wrasse time to de-stress or no longer be frightened before you can proceed with your assessment of the fish.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 12:26:41 +0000

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