Testimony Time....... Jehovah Jireh.......Absolutely nothing He - TopicsExpress


Testimony Time....... Jehovah Jireh.......Absolutely nothing He cannot do Fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing. –Psalms 34:9 As most of you may know, a little over 10 months ago I left my very last place of employment and have since been transitioned into full-time ministry. It wasn’t something I planned, but something the Lord led me to do. I must say that I’ve grown a lot in a lot of different areas especially since I’ve been put in the position where I MUST seek, believe and trust in the Lord a lot more than I ever have. It is nothing short of a miracle that as a single mom with no income, I am sustained. Just so you understand how truly significant this is, when I was “Ms. Independent”, my monthly expenses ran anywhere between $4,500 – $5,000 per month and for the most part I wasn’t pressed for anything. With that said, I repeat that it is nothing short of a miracle that as a single mom with no income, I am sustained. Moreover, if it wasn’t for me being forthcoming about my situation (so that God can get His due glory), you would never know that I was somehow living without any income of my own. In 10 short months I went from Ms. Independent to Ms. Totally Dependent on God, and I cannot say that is a bad thing at all. Today I would like to share a testimony with you that took place today. I made a phone call to my auto loan company to let them know that I would soon be making a payment. This was a task I had been dreading and dragging my feet on. When I called, the representative I spoke with stated that the repossession notice has already been sent and that she would need for me to give her specifics on payments in order to ‘cancel out’ the repossession notice. I obliged though I really didn’t know how and where this money would come from, but I knew I had to trust God (and give her a date) so I gave her a date of early next week. I got off the phone with the representative, and for a brief second, I thought I might have to sell something of value (jewelry-which I love my jewelry, my TV, something!) in order to pay the note. I remember when I was first confronted with the possibility of repossession; I immediately cried out to God with something like, “God, I need my car. I have to go to church and check on Sister So & So and I have to do the things You’re telling me to do concerning ministry”. While it is very true that are car is almost a necessity living in the Commonwealth of Virginia, it was interesting to me that one of my primary thoughts was the need to do ministry instead of just thinking about me. I take no credit for that, none at all; for I know that this is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. At this time, I truly didn’t see where this money would come from; but then a few of my recent conversations with the Lord came to the forefront of mind – with Him reminding me to take Him at both His written and His spoken Word. I didn’t know how this was going to come together, but I decided to trust that somehow the Lord was going to have a “ram in the bush” for me. Shortly thereafter, I got dressed to go out to get a cup of coffee, and before I left I decided to check the balance on an account that I hadn’t checked in a few months. This account is linked to child support payments that are made by my children’s father, and they are so small in amount and sporadic that it really didn’t make sense to check it often. One month I’d receive a payment of $10 then a few months would go by before another payment of maybe $20. That’s how it’s been for years so I’ve learned to just let a few months go by (sometimes 5 mos or more) so that it could accumulate a balance of hopefully $100 or more. My expectation level was little to none. I dialed into the automated system and followed all the prompts, and when I finally heard the balance, my jaw hit the floor. The balance that the automated teller quoted just so happened to be the same amount that I needed to make the car payment I promised, as well as make the auto insurance payment that was also due today. I was so shocked that I had to dial into the automated system a second time just to confirm what I thought I heard! The system reconfirmed what I heard and I ABSOLUTELY knew that this was nothing but God’s provision for me. The Scripture I listed above, “Fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing” was a Scripture the Lord gave me last year during the time He was telling me that it was time for me to leave my job. I remember it all too well. One day while at work, I went into my “secret place” at the office (aka Ladies Room) to have noonday prayer. I can’t remember all that I prayed about but I do know that He had already revealed to me that I had to leave, and I was going through my “Gideon” stages asking for confirmation after confirmation. After I prayed, it kind of fell out of my own mouth to go into the book of Psalms with the impression in my spirit that the Lord had something to give me in His written Word. At first I was like, “Huh?” but my spirit confirmed this is where I needed to go and I knew better than to not act on this. I returned to my cubicle and grabbed my Bible from my desk, and it “just so happened” that the ribbon bookmark was already placed in the book of Psalms. That was pretty interesting because I was certain that I didn’t consciously put the ribbon bookmark there when I last used it. I proceeded to open the Bible to where the ribbon was placed and there appeared this verse that seemed to jump out to me. It was as if the other verses were kind of faded out and only that verse remained, which was Psalms 34:9. “Fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing.” This verse was very significant because I was absolutely TERRIFIED at the idea of leaving my job, which was the matter at hand at that time. However, what took precedence was the reverential fear of the Lord, for I knew that I would be crossing over to disobedience if I didn’t leave. Additionally, He had already told me months prior that He would sustain and restore me, so I knew what I needed to do was trust and obey. Fast forward to the last few days, the Lord has been emphasizing my trusting Him above what my eyes can see and above what my mind can fathom; for eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him (1 Cor. 2:9). And I do love Him! I love Him for Who He is and because He first loved me. While I was driving out to go pay my car note, I made a verbal declaration unto God that I would remove all boundaries I may have inadvertently given Him and take Him out of any box that I may have put Him in. The reason I made this declaration is due to the shock I was experiencing. I figured if there was even the slightest bit of shock, then there was some kind of boundary I must’ve put on Him and I wanted to dispel and dismantle any boundaries where the Lord is concerned. For the Lord says in Jeremiah 32:27, “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?” The answer to that question: ABSOLUTELY NOT, MY LORD. The Lord is a covenant keeper and He’s made sure that in these 10 months I’ve lacked nothing. I don’t know all that the future brings, but I do know that the Lord has sustained me and that He will never leave me nor forsake me. I’ve determined some months ago, with the help of the Holy Spirit, that I would seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and leave the rest up to Him (Matt 6:33)! I give all praises, honor and glory unto God; for He has once again proven Himself as my Jehovah Jireh (the Lord provides). I pray that my testimony encourages you to trust God in and with everything, and that you believe He will do everything that He has told you He would do regardless of how your current situation may appear at this time. May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. (Ephesians 1:17-19) Amen. From:msladyni
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 06:59:35 +0000

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