Texas Banking Commission November 2, 2014 2106 North - TopicsExpress


Texas Banking Commission November 2, 2014 2106 North Lamar Austin, Texas 78705 FDIC Dallas Texas Re: Texas Bank Secrecy Laws Witham Vs Western Bank 334th State District Court, Harris County Western Banks Fraudulent Insolvency Sept 1987 Dear Banking Commissioner, This letter is regarding a number of Banks formerly known as the Western Banks in Houston, Texas. This institution realizing that Former Judge Russel T. Lloyd of the 334th State District Court in Harris County ( Houston ) would NOT dismiss My suit against them for Fraud and Violations of the Texas / Montgomery County Land Development Codes and for Deceptive Trade Practices and Civil Conspiracy / Common Law Fraud ..... The Officers of this Bank decided instead to SELF Declare Insolvency. The problem with this matter is The Share Holders and Officers and the Principles / Owners of these Banks include many Millionaires and BILLIONAIRES and were allowed to keep many Millions in Bank Assets even though they FALSELY and FRAUDULENTY sought protection from My Lawsuit by Their SELF DECLARATION of insolvency. See REOPENED Cause No. 1986-17930 in the 334th State District Court, Harris County. As AG Abbott knows Western Banks and the Clesson Land Investment Incorporated as well as The Continental Title Insurance Corporation were all involved and had been sued for DTPA Violations by former Texas State AG Mark White and Jim Mattox. The VASTLY IMMENSE Wealth of the MEN BEHIND THE GREEN CURTAIN at Western Bank runs into the MANY Hundreds of Billions and is associated with a Global Cabal of Businesses also of MASSIVE WEALTH. The FDIC is a Party in the case 1986-17930 and the State of Texas and Montgomery County, Texas both have been involved in ENFORCEMENT Actions against the Land Developers that were involved for many Years at Land Developments were FRAUD and DTPA Violations were RAMPANT. The Banking institution was BY FRAUD Declared Insolvent by its Own Board over 27 Years Ago. You have provided Me with enough information to garner that Your Office and the FDIC and Texas AG Abbott also are withholding significant records on Who the Principles and Share Holders in the Bank were as well as the Financial Holdings of the RLG Holdings and Westgate Investments eyc. et al the Financial SHARKS behind the scenes at Western Banks. There are NO Exceptions from Disclosure of the Owners and Share Holders information regarding Who was Paying Taxes for the Income related to this Bank AND ..... The Information ALL of it had been legitimately demanded in Discovery in Judge Lloyds Court the 334th BEFORE FDIC and the Texas Banking Commission took over this Intrernally Looted Bank. The Discovery is still owed at this time. I have noticed the 334th State District Court , Judge Dorfman currently presiding of the FRAUD UPON THE COURT I recently discovered in the case. Fact is ..... The Westgate Investments and Rida Lababeti Group alone, are worth many billions and the Vast Network of Corporations they Control many Hundreds of Billions if Not Trillions. The Share Holders and other Bank Officers involved in these frauds are as well worth many Hundreds of Millions Combined and are as You well known some of the Most Notorious Politicians and Noted Dignitaries in recent Texas History. These interests of Western Banks were allowed to retain many hundreds of Millions in Real Estate Holdings and as well allowed to sell many others to Chase Manhattan Bank and Others in the wake of the FRAUDULENT insolvency. The Discovery Western Banks Recievers owe on Assets and Owners, Share Holders and the Financial Holdings of the Officers, Board of Directors and those associated with the Ownership and Operations of Western Bank is NOT suseptible to the Texas Bank Secrecy Provisions of the State Open Records Act because ..... The DISCOVERY was sought and owed before the Banks GANGSTERS decided to Fraudulently Self Declare Insolvency. FDIC, the State Banking Commission nor The State AGs office ever sought a Protective Order and now 27 years after the ADDITIONAL FRAUDS committed in this case, the Appearance of Impropriety is GLARING. AG Greg Abbotts Ethics problems may be much larger than currently understoof by the Public. I demand the State of Texas Produce all the records on Western Banks and realize, the SECRECY being exhibited now 27 Years Later is totally time barred as the Discovery was Owed BEFORE the Fraudulent Insolvency was sought by the Bank. They never sought a Protection Order. The State of Texas has no business covering up for and protecting Ganster Banksters. The Appearence of Inpropriety at this Exteremly Late Stage of the Game is ENORMOUS and I would strongly urge the States Cooperation. Western Banks Activities being FRAUDULENT and Designed to AVOID Discovery and A Jury Trial include Perjury and Fraud Upon the 334th State District Court. I do NOT believe the State of Texas and its Officials would be acting in Good Faith to further the Fraudulent and Felonious conduct of the SWISS GANSTERS from Manchester England and Africa/ Lebennon and Saudi Arabia / Dubai at this point. The Appearance of Impropriety has Enormous Implications. Texas Having Bank Secrey Laws is absolutely Repugnant to well settled Public Policy of Openess and Transparency that Americans expect from Public Servants. Please Cooperate and Produce the Information being requested. I expect cooperation, The Discovery is Way Way Way Way LONG Overdue ..... Please Produce it Immediately. I remain, /S/ Judson Witham JurisNot@Gmail cc: Judge Dorfman 334th State District Court Harris County Case 1986-17930 Witham Vs. Western Bank Et AL youtu.be/QUuuN19gWgk
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 11:55:08 +0000

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