Thank You Lord, for opening my eyes to another day! Good Morning - TopicsExpress


Thank You Lord, for opening my eyes to another day! Good Morning Brothers and Sisters in Christ!+++[Who am I, O Lord God? 2 SAMUEL 7:18]+++ Brothers and Sisters, over the past few days we have delved deeply and exposed works of darkness, but in all these things, we are more than Conquerors. Therefore today, we will continue on a more cheerful note! Let us thank God that He reveals secrets to us , and gratefully say with David: Who am I, O Lord God? And what is my house, that You have brought me this far? (2 Samuel 7:18). Where would you and I have been without God... without His salvation, His restoration, His knowledge and Abundance? How does one cope without Him as integral part of your existence? How does one survives lifes pressure and disappointments? Who am I, Without God?... a lost sinner on my way to eternal damnation,; a fearful anxious little creature, tossed about in the storms of life; an anchorless vessel, clinging to feeble hopes in false gods. Who are we, Lord, that You have brought us this far..? We have so much reason for gratitude. Brothers and Sisters, let us praise Him for His unmerited love and grace, through which He saved us from destruction, raised us from spiritual death, and recreated our lives! Who am I Lord, that You thought of me? Thank You, precious Heavenly Father, that You also came my way! You say this and show your love and appreciation for Him: LORD, Thank YOU for Your unmerited grace! Amen. May God Bless You All!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 12:59:01 +0000

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