Thank you Aristo for your message. Love and light can only go - TopicsExpress


Thank you Aristo for your message. Love and light can only go so far. I like your analogy of having a blotch on a white surface, if all is of the same frequency than one minor disturbance can upset that individual. This can be seen in propitiously angry people as well, one utterance of love and light can upset the individual substantially more than being in the company of other angry individuals. There must be a harmonious balance in everything I think, well thats just me. Imbalances lead to stress, hardship, fear, and other undesirable emotions. This is why I am not for or against Ron in his recent anger fling. It is his way of coping with the injustices he sees in the world and the struggle within himself. However, just like he does not wish to be judged or changed, I can see the love and light-ers not wanting to be changed either. They suddenly wont take up pitchforks and march on the town hall. Likely they are too busy doing inner spiritual work to give a care about society. Thats just my opinion. I liked your analogy of the mind being at the top of the pyrimid control structure for the body, a microcosm for the macrocosm of government. To the elite, cutting away a few skin cells doesnt matter if they are a wound in the side of the system. However, like a virus, if we can socially network ourselves against the control structure, THEY become the skin cells that must be cut away. In that sense, we are in a unique predicament. We cannot kill the brain just because we are a toe, but the brain knows better than to hack its own toes off. Unification of the whole for the betterment of the entire system seems like the only approach. Unfortunate to some opinions, this cannot be approached by riots, depopulation or imprisonment of the elite. A treaty must be made before the skin cells become cancerous, at which point cutting them away would be justified (elite or peasant, it doesnt matter). My hopes still reside with The Dragon Families desire for a jubilee year. That is a divine mandate and they know it. It would be a slap in the face to God if they tried to maintain the status quo, springboarding off the ignorance of the sleeping masses. I dont know what it would entail, this jubilee, but there had better be a party for starters! Fates De Whynot
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 02:17:17 +0000

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