Thank you Arunabh Dutta Roy for nominating me for the book - TopicsExpress


Thank you Arunabh Dutta Roy for nominating me for the book challenge. This took me down the memory lane and i revisited the books i read through my growing years. So here is my list: 1. Amelia Jones by Enid Blyton. My first one at the age of 6. 2. Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. The first sad classic i read at the age of 8. I never knew stories could make you cry before this. 3. The detective novels of Famous Five/ Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew in my tweens. How full of fun and adventure they were. 4. The nonsensical romance novels of Mills n Boons. It was more of peer pressure which got me to read them but i enjoyed them nevertheless. ;-) 5. The Fountain Head by Ayn Rand. A slow read but an absolute powerful one potraying the theme of individualism versus collectivism. I wanted to study architecture and hence was drawn to this one. 6. Hotel by Arthur Hailey was read just after i had left my first job at the Trident Cochin and it was as if it could have been the story of my work place. I guess all those who worked in a hotel can relate to this one as it told their story. 7. Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri. I enjoyed reading the stories about the lives of Indians and the Indian Americans who are caught between the culture they have inherited and the New World. 8. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Wonderfully written about finding ones destiny. It touched my soul. 9. The Shiva Triology by Amish Tripathi. A very interesting read. Based on a very radical idea that all Gods were once human beings. 10. 2 states by Chetan Bhagat. I actually am a Chetan Bhagat fan. Have read all his books but this one was the most fun. I drew comparisions with my cross cultural marriage though mine wasnt as dramatic as theirs ;-). Wow this did take me down memory lane and if i had to nominate someone for this challenge it would be my best friend and a voracious reader Ruchika Singhal. So here u go......
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:27:01 +0000

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