Thank you EVERYONE who has signed and shared the petition (keep - TopicsExpress


Thank you EVERYONE who has signed and shared the petition (keep signing and sharing! thepetitionsite/399/617/989/450-dogs-to-be-evicted-on-christmas-day-massive-international-protest/) and who has responded to our #savesashasdogs photo appeal. We have received over a 1000 photos and theyre still arriving. Sadly, we didnt get all of them in time, some were in format we couldnt convert, some went into our spam and some, although brilliant, were not what we were after. EVERY SINGLE we received will be added to our photo album during the week as they are all amazing and it would be great for Sasha to see all the moral support hes receiving from all over the world - so please keep sending in your pics! We have 3 days until the city takes action, please keep on sharing the petition and sharing the video! The more attention we get , the more likely it is that the city of Nis will feel pressured to at least extend Sashas stay!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 14:12:25 +0000

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