Thank you, God, for doing exceedingly abundantly beyond what I - TopicsExpress


Thank you, God, for doing exceedingly abundantly beyond what I could ask or think! This girl just got a job!!! As if packing up my worldly belongings, quitting my job, leaving my comfort and security in Texas and moving to Illinois was not enough of a faith walk, God continued me on this big-leap-of-faith-trust-Him-completely journey. He blew me away with interviews within just a couple of weeks ...and actually 4 previous job offers before this one. The other 4 were good opportunities but did not pay enough for this sole supporter:). He kept whispering to me, What if I have more and what you need, will you trust Me? I must admit at times I felt foolish and selfish (turning the other offers down) but kept holding on to His Word. He took the one thing I kept clinging to as an excuse not to move to Illinois (what if I couldnt find a good job?) and has shown me that He is bigger...and He is in control! I start my new job as an Executive Assistant at Carle Hospital on September 8. Thank you to all my family and friends who have so faithfully prayed for me and supported me through this process. Please keep praying now for my transition and adjustment into this new position.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 22:21:15 +0000

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