Thank you State of Minnesota Senate for passing the minimum wage - TopicsExpress


Thank you State of Minnesota Senate for passing the minimum wage bill. Thank-you for devaluing the hard work of everybody who has attempted to put themselves ahead by going to college and educating themselves, by gaining life experience, by learning a trade, by holding down long term jobs and earning their way up...all of whom are now going to be making just a fraction above minimum wage. Thank you for devaluing a college education and life experience. Thank you for awarding individuals who do not thrive for better, who do enough to just get by, who dont value hard work enough to take the next step, who dont invest in Americas future. Thank you for closing the income gap between us...actually for putting these minimum wage earners ahead, since they dont owe $1000s in student loans. Thank you for encouraging entitlement and governmental expectation. Thank-you for the waterfall that is to come.....higher retail prices, higher unemployment, eradications of jobs to neighboring states since we now have highest minimum wage. When are the people who have done so much to put themselves in a position to contribute to society going to get a break? When do WE....union workers, private sector workers, college educated employees, skilled tradesmen... when do WE see our 35.3% wage hikes???!!!!???!!!!! Close that gap Minnesota! Another welfare program enacted to obtain, or buy, the votes of uneducated voters at the election ballot! Politicians are SCUM, LIARS, CHEATS, and CORRUPT!!!!!! This just keeps the snowball of laziness and entitlement rolling downhill.And now about Obamacare........
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 20:59:13 +0000

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