Thank you Tiffany for this great encouragement - TopicsExpress


Thank you Tiffany for this great encouragement today: Reflections of a mom: I havent read my Bible yet today. I havent gotten any chores done yet. Theres laundry to fold, dishes to wash, toys to pick up, emails to write...but I have loved my children. I set my alarm to wake Gabriel up so he had enough time to get ready for school and not miss the bus. I drove Nathaniel to preschool, walked him in, helped him wash his hands and find his name card, and kissed him goodbye. Instead of lying my baby girl down in her crib at the beginning of her nap, I help her and rocked her while she sucked her thumb and fell asleep on my shoulder. In the worlds eyes I havent gotten much accomplished yet today. But in my mommy eyes I have done what is right. May all you parents out there be encouraged today to love your children and let the rest of the stuff wait. The laundry wont remember if I folded it or not, but my children will remember if I took care of them and loved them to the best of my ability. That is what is important to me today.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 02:58:11 +0000

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