Thank you all for the prayers and the concerns today. It threw me - TopicsExpress


Thank you all for the prayers and the concerns today. It threw me off earlier when she was going into surgery and the whole afternoon and evening seems a bit surreal. Some may know that lupus has wreaked havoc on her body. Due to the lupus, she gets inflammation through out her body and causes things to not work properly. She has been dealing with fluid build up around her lungs for a few months now. On Saturday we brought her in due to shortness of breath and chest pain on her left side. They did a x-ray and echocardiogram. The decided to keep her NPO which means no food or fluids by mouth in case they were going to need to drain the fluid around her lungs. Between yesterday and today, her lungs looked ok but she had significant increase in the fluid around her heart. They immediately got her ready for surgery. Before I knew it, I was hugging & kissing ER and saying a prayer before she was taken into the OR and I was wished away to the waiting room. I was told that it would take an hour. That hour came and went. As we approached the 3rd hour, I called for an update. I got no response. Into the 3rd hour, a resident comes out and takes me into a conference room. He then tells me that Nani had suffered an injury to her heart when the surgeon had gone in to drain the fluid. Due to the previous pleural effusions(fluid around the lungs), there was scar tissue. The scar tissue had adhered to the left ventricle of her heart and her lung. As he went in to get to the pericardial wall(wall around heart), he punctured a hole in her heart. Cardiologist were called in to repair the hole and they were able to patch it up. She lost a lot of blood and had to receive a blood transfusion. The surgery went on for a couple more hours. Due to the severity of the situation, she is in the PICU(pediatric Intensive care unit) she is sedated and on a ventilator. She can breathe on her own but they need her body to heal. She will be sedated & on the ventilator for a few days. Once she starts to heal, they will wean her off. She had 2 chest tubes, multiple IVs and is constantly being monitored. I am still in shock right now. Im beside her bed, exhausted but not able to sleep It seems so unbelievable that this is happening. My head is spinning over this. Many have tried to call or text but I dont have the energy at the moment. Im asking all of you to continue praying for her quick healing especially. I will update when I get a chance. ❤️
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 06:12:31 +0000

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