Thank you everyone for coming out and making Going Forward, - TopicsExpress


Thank you everyone for coming out and making Going Forward, Leading Change a fantastic, fun and informative skills training afternoon. The facilitators did a great job! We had a lot of material to get through and a lot of skills were shared, thank you again to all the facilitators for making the trip and making the day a success. Thanks to the participants. Without you and your interest there would have been no workshop afternoon at all. Thank you to June Quipp for sharing your experiences of resistance with the Sto Lo peoples here in the Sto Lo (Fraser) Valley. And Thank You Larry Commodore for the welcome and all you did to make the event great! Thank you Sheila for MCing. You are always superb and the activist aerobics were great! We are hoping to replicate similar events along the Kinder Morgan pipeline route here in the Valley, and maybe beyond, in the future. And/or do more focused workshops. We will put it up to our friends and members in the communities affected by the pipeline. Keep and eye on our website for the workshops to be put in to a web tutorial format, to share these skills with anyone and everyone who might be interested in to the future. Thanks again everyone, Jordan
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 09:29:47 +0000

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