Thankful He Gave His life for mine..I had an interesting day - TopicsExpress


Thankful He Gave His life for mine..I had an interesting day yesterday...different conversations throughout the day brought up a running you can appear to others based on your reaction to lifes trials and victories. ..and it was implied that I just dont get it because things come so easy for me..or I am always is the thing peeps...I dont do drama well so you will not find me on here complaining to often about how difficult life doesnt matter if your rich or poor. .if you arent happy poor you wont be happy with money believe me..I wont complain about other people in my life because if I am upset with someone I will take it to them directly..thats only fair to them and what my God asks of me and quite frankly its no ones business. .and if you know that Ive been through a trial or heartache and you see me happy do not judge or assume I am insensitive and that I dont care or dont hurt...HERE IT IS peeps..I have a God who absolutely adores every ounce of me and who I am and who PROMISES to care for me no matter what...he will love me through poverty, wealth, sickness, anger, hurt, jealousy, any sin or temptation I might my peace that you see, my happiness its not fake and its not a lack of trials..its that I trust my God when he says even when we are faithless he is faithful...ALWAYS ! He has never abandoned me. And as a woman of faith if I walked around full of fear and anxiety with every single trial what does that say of my faith..I am the daughter of the almighty king and I am loved and I will love and live as such...and if you really want that kind of peace I havent unlocked a great secret...its as readily available to you as it was to me when I accepted that Christ died for me and I gave my life to Him...He loves you too much to have you weighed down with anxiety. I have done nothing to earn that kind of grace...So! The bottom line as my daddy says is this...I cry, I hurt I have fears and worries, Ive had my heart broke and face challenges everyday..heres the difference and the key to my peace...each day I try lay it at the cross and Love you all as He has loved me...Let the spirit change your way of thinking and make you into a new person Eph 4:23
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 17:11:46 +0000

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