Thanks Lisa for sharing this very personal story, Before we - TopicsExpress


Thanks Lisa for sharing this very personal story, Before we bought our new house 8 months ago, our family of five lived in a 997 square foot house with one tiny closet. We lived there for 12 years. We never complained. We made the best of what we had. We loved that house and filled it with good friends, family, and memories. We have lived below our means for years. Driving cars where strangers would ask me, Did all those kids really just come out of that car!?!? We rarely did drive thrus, restaurants, or extras. We could have bought new cars and a new house, but we waited. And saved. During this time we never tried to keep up with the Joneses. We read financial books. We saved. And saved. And saved some more. We went without, knowing that someday our harvest would come. Im incredibly grateful that we spent the past few years going without as now we can spend and ENJOY IT, rather then spend and STRESS IT. Many of you message me for advice and my biggest advice is to continue working hard with your Herbalife business. As its like no other. All of your dreams can come true if you are willing to work and wait. There has never been a better time or greater opportunity for you to change your families financial life FOREVER through this company. But you must work hard. Everyday. Consistently. Set goals and reward yourself. And bank the rest. Live below your means. And wait. For when your harvest comes, it will be like no other. If you will live like no one else... later you can live like no one else. Income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. See the income averages at herbalife
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 20:46:45 +0000

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