Thanks a lot and Yes indeed Sakti, there is surely no doubt that - TopicsExpress


Thanks a lot and Yes indeed Sakti, there is surely no doubt that both the OLD and NEW world orders are the origins and tools of all EVILs in this planet, clearly disrespectful of any religion, race, tribe, or educational/professional status!!! Source: Part 1 of 4: Top 10 Things You Shouldn’t Know About The Ubiquitous “Illuminati” Warning: The following information is not suitable for anyone who would like to remain blind. At the same time this article is especially not for anyone that is certain they “know it all.” If you plan on having the “answers” handed to you, then please hit the back button… there’s nothing here for you. Moving forward, everything listed below is meant to only lightly touch upon each topic and requires further research on the reader’s behalf to really “know the truth,” instead of just believing what one source has to say. If you’re ready to take the red pill now, then let’s explore together exactly how deep this rabbit hole goes… (update: to see what people are doing after reading this, please check out the poll on the bottom of this post) 10. Meet the Puppets Food for thought: Why can most people tell you more about their favorite celebrities than the people they interact with on a daily basis? (let alone what goes on in other countries…) First let’s take a look at what’s considered to be “Illuminati” symbolism and where it has “popped up” over the years… and then we’ll discuss it a bit. The “All-Seeing Eye” within a triangle and on top of an un-finished pyramid… this has been used symbolically in various ways over time, adopting various meanings in each instance. Ironically however, is the fact that the official symbol of the public Bavarian Illuminati was the owl of Minerva, said to represent wisdom and the ability to see in the “dark,” not the All-Seeing Eye or pyramid. So then the question is how did it become so unanimous today that this was their symbol instead… and that this symbol represented something “bad?” On behalf of all these hand symbols… again we see something that was originally perceived as being “good with positive meanings within Buddhist, Jewish, etc. cultures, but then at some point during history that all slowly came to represent the opposite of what they once stood for. Now, of course there may exist a number of reasons behind “why” any of these symbols could get constantly repeated today and throughout history… whether because people are drawn to the mere mystery of them, or are just simply copying others with or without assigning a new specific meaning to the symbols themselves, or are mocking some preconceived notion behind them, etc. The list of reasons “why” could realistically go on and on. So of course someone logical could say that there is more reason to believe against the repetitive appearance of these symbols being considered as the definitive hardcore “proof” that an organized “shadow government” exists, since those symbols being used to demonstrate an alliance is just one out of many possibles… hence the odds are in favor of the many other possibilities. It’s important then to remember that just by seeing something, that by itself could never once and for all prove “why” it’s there. That would require one to speculate, thus falling subject to an opinion/guess. And to make that “guess,” one would require some background understanding of something else to influence that decision. Someone wouldn’t be able to make the assumption that these symbols are “bad” if they didn’t already have some understanding of the prevalent and shared “corruption” that already exists. Instead, what people are trying to connect together is the “corruption” that is seen throughout the industries/organizations that end up seemingly using similar symbols. In which case, “corruption” is something to be looked at and studied. Realistically “symbols” by themselves could never inherently be “good” or “bad”… since they’re just a meaningless tool until we give them a meaning. So maybe the attention should shift to how these “industries” and people may be negatively effecting our lives. Whether you want to say they’re distracting us or merely entertainment us… the fact of the matter is that too many people commit to trivial and meaningless pursuits to pass the time, which ends up becoming very dangerous to society as a whole. What’s incredible is the influence of all these “corrupted” and “skewed” values that we are faced with on a daily basis from multiple sources, that most of the time we never even stop to realize. Instead of asking why is this symbolism being constantly repeated? (which inevitably has multiple reasons and explanations) It may just be more important to ask why are the “values” that get displayed in most movies and music productions always the same? And how is that effecting society as a whole? 9. Presidents’ Bloodlines It gets even weirder than the image above. From presidents of America, to former Kings and Queens in England, to ancient Greek and Roman rulers, and as far back as the pharaohs of ancient Egypt they have for the most part all shared a common bloodline. Doesn’t sound like much of a “democracy” anymore, now does it? This key bloodline originated between the famous Egyptian queen, Cleopatra (60-30 B.C.) who had three children with the famous Roman politician and general Mark Antony, which continued on from there. Please click here to watch this video of how a 12 year old girl figured out that America’s presidents are related. The whole idea of marrying within one’s family to keep the money and power in the same hands and having asingular privileged superior ruling class over an un-privileged class is an age old idea that was at the core of“fascism.” The word itself is believed to have come from the Italian word “fascis” meaning a “bundle” and the Latin word “fasces,” which described the symbol of an ax surrounded by a bundle of wooden sticks, which stood for unity and authority in ancient Rome. While looking solely at the symbol’s meaning that “dominance/power/authority” (represented by the ax) would only be achieved through the backdrop of a connected people/unity/oneness (represented by the bundle of wooden sticks), this could be seen as a “good” useful message to remember… however a quick look at history to notice how this symbol would only be used by dictators and privileged ruling classes, which always took advance of the less-privileged families, provides a new understanding. If you came from an un-privileged family, this symbol would never have meant something positive to you. Through this ideology, someone must be “on the bottom of the ladder” so to say, preventing true equality for all. Could this mean that some of the ideological tenets from fascism have been carried over to America’s form of capitalist democracy? 8. Human Self-Sacrifice In case you didn’t see it on FOX or CNN, all of America’s wealthiest and most influential people (around 2,000) meet once a year in the middle of the forest in California for a weekend, and practice a mock human sacrifice ritual underneath a 40 foot tall stone owl called Moloch. This meeting has come to be known as the Bohemia Grove, and as for the owl… Moloch is an ancient northern African “deity” that is associated with “sacrificing children by fire.” Oh wait, for some reason the news forgot to cover this one… good thing for the internet. You can watch the whole thing by clicking here. It also appears that all of these people gather to not only partake in rituals, but also to discuss America’s future outside of the public eye in case you were interested. But of course they’re not the only group that is known to meet in secrecy to discuss world affairs away from the public’s knowledge. 7. Copying Ancient Egypt Until Today We all know that America’s “Great Seal” features the number 13 repeatedly to represent the 13 original colonies. But what most people don’t know is that the number 13 actually played a very significant role in Ancient Egypt. Why is that important? Well, it’s not hard to see America is highly influenced by ancient Egyptian culture… just look at our nation’s capital. There’s something that our history books are just not telling us, but is very well known among certain people apparently. Not to mention the fact that the Illuminati was founded May 1, 1776 in Bavaria (a state located in the southeast of Germany) and the United States’ Continental Congress voted for Independence from Britain (giving birth to Democracy) on July 4, 1776. Not only is it odd the years match, it’s odd that someone decided to lie to Americans and change the true date on the final edition of the Declaration of Independence that got approved. It wasn’t the fourth of July but the second of July that this happened. (July 8th was the first time the Declaration of Independence was read publicly and finally in August of that year it was signed, reference the letter John Adams wrote for further proof). The number four must have held some important significance in the mind of whoever made that change. Also, research the theory that America was meant to be a new utopia” similar to Atlantis by introducing Democracy. Apparently some people believe the East Coast of America (13 original colonies) is suppose to have even been the West Coast of Atlantis. It’s funny to point out that in contrast to ancient Egypt, (where 13 was considered a very lucky number) somehow in our western world the number 13 represents bad luck. So much so, that tall buildings skip labeling the thirteenth floor in elevators. It almost seems as if someone was trying to suppress the original meaning behind the number 13 through misinformation and superstition. Hmm..... Continued in ... Part 2 of 4...
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 10:44:25 +0000

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