Thanks for all of the wonderful Birthday wishes! I know that Im - TopicsExpress


Thanks for all of the wonderful Birthday wishes! I know that Im somewhere in the cycles of life, madly chasing Bram Moerman on the time trials still dreaming of the days when I could lap my half minute man. It may yet happen again! Just tonight I was riding a fabulous 55 km ride after work (yes I dawged off early) down the Limebank Rd . Mother Nature blessed me and we had a tail wind out and the wind died for the return. Tonight I could push 38 on the flats, if only for a short while. I had a truly wonderful day and paused to give thanks to all of the wonderful people and things that have touched my life, including two great kids, Alec And Tiera who make me so happy. I had so many Birthdays in places I cant name in foreign places forgotten. So many of them far away from friends and family, while serving my country. Lord Ive been toting a carbine and wearing camouflage for far too long, I am way past my Best Before date. I enlisted when they were still arguing the Enfield vs the FN. Ive been over the wire in the dead of night, have over 50 jumps from under 900 ft, been shot at, rocketed, survived an artillery barrage, blown up, held up at gunpoint, abandoned for weeks in the jungle, lying sick in the dirt with rats running over me. Ive been dragged by a C130 900 feet off the deck banging my head against the side of the plane due to a hung up static line, been scared so many times that being scared now is mundane, Ive seen the horrors of mans inhumanity to man, yet witnessed the kindest acts from the poorest people. Ive shaken the hands of Royalty, and shared a glass or two with the most wretched peasants you can imagine. Sometimes Im awoken by horrible nightmares, some nights Im entertained by the sweetest of dreams. Despite all of the past I look at each birthday as a new year, a new beginning, and new adventures, and with new hope. Ride, and ride again. Pedal like there is no tomorrow, share your whiskey with all who ask and be kind to all you encounter. Smile at strangers, it costs nothing and gives so much. Be kind to animals, appreciate your friends and forgive. Do not covet thy friends bike. Bikes are things, friends are people. People are what its all about. Live. Tell stories. Be!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 02:16:13 +0000

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