Thanks for any input. In 1958, Cubas population was over 5.5 - TopicsExpress


Thanks for any input. In 1958, Cubas population was over 5.5 millions, 55 years later its closer to 12 millions, no counting the 3 millions who left Castro paradise. Life was hard for those Cubans in 1958. Unemployment over 18% due to the cyclical sugarcane industry. Castro did propose change and redistribution of wealth with plundering others people money and large public debt. All his industrializing efforts did not work, mainly due to Cubans culture abhor manual labour and Habana willing to work labour just left the country. How Cuba can afford such large increase of population and afford universal centralize services? By lowering the standard of living beyond the 1958 status. Cubans were willing to collaborate in a madness guilt trip? Not, but a combination of bribes. Castro did allowed the squatters practice to occupy abandoned middle class neighbour homes while keeping the upper classes properties for his henchmen. Nevertheless, those properties items were ransack first into a Peoples National Treasury, that will be sold or given as gifts. Later came the Soviet bloc credit and any Government willing to launder money or hire insurrection, assassination plus drug protection. Amongst Castro clients were Iraq, East Germany and many others. Poor people was all it remains and still the country kept itself in motion, even after the fall of the Soviet Union. I have come to the conclusion that a combination of behaviour or fleeing keeps the regime a float. Even with standard so low, Cubans will do anything to prosper, to make themselves henchmen if necessary. Behaviour dictates a narrow set of morals and a large set of deception. In History, to large scale, rulers has motivated loyalty and fear by bribes with someone elses properties or money; Henry VIII Tudor, Catherine the Great and Napoleon. Cubans are not dissimilar from those people who lived long ago; Still, the servant mind set is a prevalent timeless syndrome. Fleeing could be perceive as solution to particular situations or context. Fleeing persecution is passing the bucket. Lets use Miami, from an original 200 thousands self exiles during Castro rise to absolute control of Cuba, has ballooned to more than 3 millions. What did started as temporary home did evolve into a self sustain hybrid organism. Every year Castro allows his surplus servant to leave Cuba. Its part of an evolved symbiotic relationship between family nexus, where those who live in Florida support those relatives back home, given constant cash flow to Castros economy which is a redundant term: he owns Cuba. Cubas scenario can only survive due to its size. America, with Obama, is running a similar script try almost 60 years ago but it cant work. Yes, Obamacare will bring levels of debt unheard before. It will bring Public Union to another level: another 15 millions employees. Centralize Government is a patient network that grows thanks to voters demands on more free services and ideas to con voters design by our own kids, eager to prove the value of their education paid by their parents, but we all refuse to accept our short comings and sight. Still Treasury will keep appearances going by printing more fiat money, and that is transfer into more decline in standard of living. China cant keep buying US dollars, it has already enough paper money; it has opt no to buy anymore Treasury bonds. Paper money is good till lenders lose confidence in the sanity capacity of America leadership. Our credit is already downgraded which means lack of confidence. America needs suppliers worldwide which also means higher prices for their products which also means an increase cost in all our made products. Its easy to anyone familiar with economy and finances, to predict the inflationary path to come. While we see an increase in population numbers, I also see the conundrum we will face. The lower the numbers of those willing to work and pay taxes, the higher the chances of an increase shadow economy. As in the pass, elites in charge deceive themselves with absolute control delusion. Nor China or India has succeeded as well as the former Soviets, but they succeed in lower the citizens expectation of standard of living: we can expect America to follow suit. Nevertheless, increasing dependant population in order just to live a life that meander into surviving mode, is no life at all; is madness.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 11:40:21 +0000

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