Thanks for your LIKE IT’S and enjoy the database in the SD_ECBS - TopicsExpress


Thanks for your LIKE IT’S and enjoy the database in the SD_ECBS PIC-BANKS ON FACEBOOK…DONT LIKE IT! OPEN & READ!!!!!!!!!..give us some support and repost. Are we the last one posting scientific research in a facebook-network for universities? The real important stuff noone is talking about. Prehistoric created stonetool found on mars!...This may change your life.....internet-research-results of 7 years ....and they forgot to tell you about .....…. #UFODISCLOSURE #VISITORSENLIGHTENMENT #SD_ECBS https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=748587861842802&set=pb.237775506257376.-2207520000.1397720423.&type=3&theater Curiosity is still working on mars...... click on the pic of all SD_ECBS postings for full information in the facebook-comment-feed. facebook/photo.php?fbid=450657138302544&set=a.450657131635878.109119.237775506257376&type=3&theater https://blogger/profile/06979662371351161132 READ THIS WHOLE POST UNDER https://facebook/notes/sd_ecbs/curiosity-on-mars-enjoy-the-nasa-upstream-link-inside/744984415536480 Gratulation to the US NASA for the save landing of the HD-CAM monster research cruiser named Curiosity on the mars surface, the 6th of august 2012. After Viking 1 in 1976, Viking 2, Path finder and Spirit & Odyssee in 2004 now new on mars but searching for what? facebook/photo.php?fbid=582884495073949&set=a.475347239161009.119588.100000572123584&type=3&theater Water DNA, Bacteria and atmosphere are found before so whats next? Bones and building structures of lost places are found but not in the official media. All news coming from NASA you will find in this videostream just here. Hi there and this nonprofil environmental support service is new installed. Please share our data and tell everyone. Hope you LIKE IT! Open the photo (pic)-bank and enjoy the liks and videos wehave found In the past 7 years of research…. All news the TEAM SD_ECBS has found you will find just here. facebook/photo.php?fbid=406048939430031&set=a.237775909590669.65387.237775506257376&type=1&theater 2001: A Space Odyssey is a 1968 science fiction film produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick. The screenplay was co-written by Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke, and was partially inspired by Clarkes short story The Sentinel. Clarke concurrently wrote the novel of the same name which was published soon after the film was released. The story deals with a series of encounters between humans and mysterious black monoliths!.....  The famous APOLLO 11 astronaut BUZZ ALDRIN about: youtube/watch?v=uKAjCpYxSZY&feature=fvsr facebook/photo.php?fbid=450865514948373&set=a.450657131635878.109119.237775506257376&type=3&theater facebook/photo.php?fbid=450867034948221&set=a.450657131635878.109119.237775506257376&type=3&theater facebook/photo.php?fbid=450866971614894&set=a.450657131635878.109119.237775506257376&type=3&theater “The Greys say we are the tubes and DNA-switched 65-times.” Oh thats why we are so complicated and unfinished and Tubes for what? For DNA or souls? Who let us in this unfinished status?... ........Minute 36:30. youtube/watch?v=IJolFbj8nc4 NETWORK ON THE FRONTLINE INFOWAR CONCERNING THE NONINFORMATIONCAMPAIGN about the ALIEN AGENDA, SPACEGODS CREATIONISM THINGS MAKING OUR WORLDS BETTER IN ORDER OF HIGHER RANKS SO SPACEGODS powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the E.C.B.S. grounded in 1983 or have you even seen a monkey with sliteyes? youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=QfhrGfxyORI Visit our newsfeed on facebook concerning the ALIEN/UFO-Research... facebook/groups/181913338529827/ MISSION PERFORMED!/petition/formally-acknowledge-extraterrestrial-presence-engaging-human-race-disclosure/wfYDlmlG Sometimes higher ranks seems to order others to create KICK ASS AGENCIES........... facebook/photo.php?fbid=348121475222778&set=a.266575520044041.71774.237775506257376&type=3&theater click on the pic for full information in the facebook comment-feed. The United Artists for Earthoptimization! Time by time the gods did have kick ass departements like us! The SD_ECBS SD_ECBS AGENCY for NETWORKING ON THE FRONTLINES powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the EARTH COLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE Disclosure Project - Action for Disclosure of the UFO/ET Subject and Extraterrestrial Technologies. youtube/watch?v=5zd3go06wrc&feature=relatedcontact click on the pic for more informartion service in the comment-feed of this newsfeed on facebook concerning this subject. SD_ECBS support the peace between the United Federation of Planets and all work of the DISCLOSURE PROJECT presented their work at the NY press club in 2001. So join the result of 6 years research and may change your life and your standing concerning these facts. The SD_ECBS created the NEWSFEED for VISITORSENLIGHTENMENT on facebook including the latest of mankinds discoveries shared up in subjects. Go back in the timeline and open all comments for full information service... facebook/photo.php?fbid=283425891692337&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater click on the pic for more informartion service in the comment-feed of this newsfeed on facebook concerning this subject. The EARTH COLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE grounded in 1984 in the lead of the Gods. We are the DESK THE SUPPORTERS DESK of the ECBS. facebook/photo.php?fbid=275643755803884&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater AGENCY for NETWORKING ON THE FRONTLINES powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the EARTH COLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE facebook/photo.php?fbid=282105435157716&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT A BYEBYE TO DARWINISM AND A HI TO CREATIONISM click on the picture please for full information service in the facebook comment-feed. Yours TEAM SD_ECBS United Artists for Earthoptimization The BEN DE BRUYCKER HYPOTHESIS 1: Everything in Evolution was devoloped by its needs. So why is the human brain so overextented and bored with its functions that even Mr. EInstein used only 14-17% of his brain-cpacity even with the Cabala-catalyst. So to me it is the indication number 1 that we are made by ancestors written down in the bible. Imagine some generations before we only collected fruits and so simple stuff apart from protecting ourself in the danger of a animal attack. Today we fly helicopers or jets and drive cars with a tremendous speed, talked with a mobile phone and switched the cd-player while driving the car.............ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW FOR A BYEBYE TO DARWINISM AND A WARM WELCOME TO CREATIONISM!!! click on the picture please for full information service in the facebook comment-feed. Yours TEAM SD_ECBS United Artists for Earthoptimization facebook/photo.php?fbid=180540632028083&set=a.180539938694819.45981.1796973987790 The SD_ECBS world-wide information-server for 1-3 world nonprofit environmental support supporters-desk The SD_ECBS-newsfeed 2-3 nonprofit environmental support facebook/groups/209226609114914 facebook/groups/181913338529827 The SD_ECBS-newsfeed 1 nonprofit environmental support facebook/pages/SD_ECBS/237775506257376?sk=wall facebook/pages/SD_ECBS/192090147520838?sk=wall Moon debate This is the NASA-Databank where it came from by some idiots making HOAX about the serious work of Ufologists and Researchers all round the wourld. Even on the Abavetopsecret-site this is posted. It is trash crap hoax and no good for the community of people interested in looking into heaven. YOU SEE THE DECK OF THE EAGLE LANDING PLATFORM OF THE APOLLOMODELLS AND THE PRESHUTS OF THE BY HAINDLING by CAMERAS. ON THE FOLLOWING of this series and by a 15% left turn you see what it was the dark part of the plattform of the Eagle and some underlight fog of the organic film there are structures and pyramides on the moon but not this! SD_ECBS AGENCY for NETWORKING ON THE FRONTLINES powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the EARTH COLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE UFOs at the sun-debate August the 4th, 16:15 The are some static UFO, to be seen earthsized. as presented in the film myspace/earthoptimization/videos/ecbs-information-film-desk-stock/107752940 and in the film science analysis described myspace/earthoptimization/videos/ecbs-information-film-desk-stock/107752913 Test for yourselfs just here, put the date into the white box click on stereo behind cam and click once more for the szizing-zoom SD_ECBS AGENCY for NETWORKING ON THE FRONTLINES powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the EARTH COLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE Temple of Seti-debate August 2nd, 09:34 We are on the best way ever. After we’ve found this just here (from wikipedia),_Egypt Yes these hyroglyphs are the stone and we have a facebook-member working as a television-professional being there with his own pics he did. facebook/photo.php?fbid=2312767022696&set=a.2135109621372.128511.1355028937&type=1&theater SD_ECBS AGENCY for NETWORKING ON THE FRONTLINES powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the EARTH COLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE The real important stuff noone is talking about. Prehistoric created stonetool found on mars!...DONT LIKE IT! OPEN & READ!!!!!!!!! https://youtube/watch?v=6bacM4l9p8A&list=UURDVBHaAnhAhh2ykJmFiu_g https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=450657138302544&set=a.450657131635878.109119.237775506257376&type=3&theater After the Larry Hatch UFO-database was closed in December 2013 (who knows more) with more than 18.000 listed worldwide UFO-sightings. They close now the very important MOON-RESEARCH-database. Who is behind? It is true that the NWO-Brotherhood-Assholes want no higher power above to make thier stupid money? HERE IS THE 500 years research on the moon listed by NASA data.copy.........with all proof for extraterristrial activities! The new CHINESE HD material and this. CONSPIRACY TERRORISTS SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DONT LIKE IT OPEN & READ THE WHOLE STORY!!!! https://youtube/watch?v=1bk8PWOpVes Who else put this into the moonsand if no US-American-Astronauts? THE NEW SD_ECBS CAMPAIGN! FREE INTERNET AND UFO-DISCLOSURE IN ONE POT! can stop the musicplayer with a click on it on top. Most important videos inside. 15 hours material. UFO-Enlightenment-tour next level.....yours TEAM WE NEED MORE FRIENDS AND LIKE ITS. WORK WITH US FOR THE GREAT NWO KICK ASS AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS...INSTANT KNOWLEDGE AGAINST THE WORLDS BRAINDEAD-MOVEMENT WITH THE INSTANT KNOWLEDGE MACHINE OF THE SD_ECBS (6 million visitors) SEEMS TO BE NOT ENOUGH! So tell your friends..... Give me a HUGG and a LIKE IT –button just here! facebook/pages/SD_ECBS/237775506257376?sk=info facebook/groups/209226609114914 facebook/groups/181913338529827 facebook/pages/OCCUPY-1Anunnaki/179697398779073?sk=wall facebook/pages/SD_ECBS/237775506257376?sk=wall facebook/pages/SD_ECBS/192090147520838?sk=wall facebook/pages/I-AM-LIVING-FOR-LOVE/123823584385072 https://facebook/pages/MISNIC-earthoptimizorzz/117911794962463 https://facebook/misnic.earthoptimizorzz https://facebook/pages/MISNIC-earthoptimizorzz/137892332954413 facebook/pages/MISNIC-earthoptimizorzz/117911794962463?sk=app_131686150237656 REPOST THE SD_ECBS INFO-SERVER-DATA READ THIS WHOLE POST UNDER https://facebook/notes/i-am-living-for-love/the-instant-knowledge-machine-against-the-braindead/464055747028519 JOIN THE SD_ECBS DATABASE & STUDY THE COMMENT-FEEDS OF THE PHOTO-DATA-CONTAINERS... https://facebook/media/albums/?id=237775506257376 Hello. If youre not connected. Join the newsfeed.. https://facebook/groups/209226609114914/ Study the comment-feed-data of this https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=180403745375105&set=a.179697555445724.45700.179697398779073&type=1&theater Study the comment-feed-data of this picture... https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=254430481305764&set=a.254430471305765.60948.179697398779073&type=1&theater THE SD_ECBS YOUTUBE youtube/user/MrMubbs/videos?shelf_id=1&view=0&sort=dd THE SD_ECBS BLOG ON GOOGLES https://blogger/profile/06979662371351161132 WHO BUILT THE 1,4 MILES TOWER ON MOON DISCOVERED DURING THE APOLLO-CAMPAIGN a2.l3-images.myspacecdn/images02/151/16f9d2f7e77746afb641e69fc001c8d0/l.jpg https://youtube/watch?v=w8z2raApe1c youtube/watch?v=Uo81LMy6Ug8. youtube/watch?v=XlkV1ybBnHI 500 years all happenings on the moon listed by WHAT A 1,8 miles long STRUCTURE IS LYING IN THE SAND ON MOON APOLLO 20 DISCUSSION 500 years all happenings on the moon listed by WHO TOLD THE SUMERIANS 6000 b.C. ALL ABOUT THE COMPLETE SOLARSYSTEM INCLUDING THE OUTER ORBIT PLANET WE JUST DISCOVERD IN THE 20th CENTURY https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=191157760966370&set=a.179773202104826.45727.179697398779073&type=1 WHO TOLD THE PLANNERS OF TEOTINUACAN, SOUTH AMERICA TO CREATE A PYRAMIDE CITY IN THE SAME DIRECTION AS OUR SOLORSYSTEM IS CONSTRUCTED INCLUDING THE OUTER ORBIT PLANET WE JUST DISCOVERD IN THE 20th CENTURY , as at first Däniken descibed WHO USE THE SUN FOR SPACETRAVELJUMPS DISCOVERED IN 2010 SOHO youtube/watch?v=pNUu18zGPKw youtube/watch?v=uKHfQ3zqdEs
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 11:47:27 +0000

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