Thanks for your words of encouragement and loyal suppot. Your - TopicsExpress


Thanks for your words of encouragement and loyal suppot. Your words are very comforting. The words you posted are soo very true. In this business Ive found and made some loyal friends and supporters who really and genuinely have my best interest. Unfortunatley there are those others who only are around me with only their own objectives in mind. Its amazing how cold calculated and conniving some people in this business can be. Tiffany Santana long time loyal student and trainer at our DMV location who character is nothing but unblemished told me year 2 into this business that I have to start doing a better job of protecting my craft myself, my blessings and who I share it with. Not everybody has a heart for Ken, and this business. As your quote says…. not everyone comes to me as a loyal student, or trainer, looking to help grow our bootcamp for women thing, but they come looking for an opportunity to progress their own agenda. Sadly, in the process you ladies become used and played as pawns in their search of their opportunity. Today you will see April, my old trainer, who I trained up from nothing, to win numerous awards, taught her my craft of how to be a good trainer, spent money out of my pocket to help her like, she was little sister, or family member. So why has she literally STOLEN my entire Hampton program and clients! I usually don’t go public on people and try to handle things as a professional under the rader but this one I cant let go! There wil be too many questions, to be answered when our bootcamp sisters see April running around today with Darlene and ALL 10 students that I left her run over at my Hampton location. April has taken everything I showed and our business model and set up her own business using students who I truster in her care. April being under contract with BBK, as all trainer who sign with me, is not to train anyone from my program for a period of 18 after termination has committed the ultimate sin in this business of client stealing. Mind you David or non of the other trainers have violated this contract.This one really hurts because I took money out of my pocket, like she was a little sister or family member to help this young lady pursue her dreams only be betrayed and stabbed in the back like this. This is such a blatant and obvious case of deception and betrayal not only to myself to everyone of you ladies who supported her because Im the one who placed her in front of you guys. It was me who encouraged you ladies to come to the shows, spend your money and support her , which helped her win countless awards, only to have it our sincere support thrown in our faces that only inflated her ego, along knowing that we were being played to benefit her own agenda. You see, all trainers who work for ANY gym, or personal training owner or business, has to sign a non compete agreement. In this business, your CLIENTS ARE YOUR ASSESTS. They are your merchandise! When you get your certification you don’t just walk out the door pass out a few business cards and start and you start with 10 or 20 clients tomorrow. NO! Instead it takes a lot of time and labour spent hitting the streets, putting out flyers, building your name and reputation first, taking money out your pocket that you don’t have to advertise and recruit, then after about a year you may have 10 clients. Then there are months also good months that you have 20 clients and the next month you have 2 clients. Keep in mind that this those clients represent how I pay my bills, how I eat, how I put gas in my car. How I keep my lights on and pay the rent for my bootcamp locations, my taxes and business license. There are huge cost that comes with running your own business so in this business you can afford to have anyone steal your assest which are the clients I work so hard to recruit. Those 10 clients April took represent atleast $100 each. That’s a $1000 a month and $12000 over a year. So you see this is serious. She couldn’t have hit me harder if she took it out of my bank account. Gyms and most business like mines have NON COMPETE contracts to keep unscruplous people from coming into your business, gaining a repoire, with your clients and marching out the back door, using them for their own business. You are literally taking money out of that gym or businesses pockets. April and all of my trainers, understand verbally, and in writing, that when they leave BBK, they no longer can train any BBK clients for a period of 18 months and within a 50 miles radius. And the thing is, It also offers them a buyout program so its really set up to be fair! If they want to continue to train a particular BBK client, or cleints, they can if they sit down negotiate a reasonable buy out for that student or student. NO problem. The thing is David and I started the Hampton program that April tookover. So its like she stole from us both. Also to show you the kind of upstading character of David, once he left BBK for personal reasons has never breached our contract. Speaks to integrity and character. However, April elected to totally take the unscruplous route..ignore our contract and take over my students as if they were her own as if it doesn’t come with without repercussions. So my apologies for this first long email using this forum but the there will be too many questions for me to answer after you ladies who gave your loyal support to someone we trusted . Other than that enjoy the show today, come out hoop and holla for our girl Cassie and Tiffany and lets show the world that no matter what they do to me God has our back, and we still continue to be blessed in spiite of those who come and seek to sabotage our efforts to have a program that is loved by all.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 12:29:03 +0000

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