Thanks to honorary Questioneer Emily Autumn Foster. Its a - TopicsExpress


Thanks to honorary Questioneer Emily Autumn Foster. Its a cultural phenomenon. Its been graffitied to a million walls and a million different notebooks all across the Earth, yet few think to question what it actually is. There are documented cases of the sign from as far back as the 50s, when it suddenly started appearing everywhere: America, the UK, Australia, Israel, Japan. Its been called the Superman S, even though it looks nothing like Supermans S. Its been called the Stussy S, even though the Stussy company doesnt use an S that looks like this. Its been called the Joker S, even though it has nothing to do with jokers. Swiss, super and power. All possible leads. How the symbol permeated human culture to such an extent is a mystery. Perhaps one too dense for even me to unravel. Millions have actually *drawn this symbol without any idea what it means*. Virtually the entire planet is aware of it, yet no one knows why it exists. Everyones attention slides over it as if its a natural part of the scenery. Its received almost no media attention. There has been no government inquest into its meaning. There have been no scientific studies. If anyone has any information concerning the mystery S, share it with the page. Together, we can unravel whatever sinister truth hides behind this phenomenon.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 05:17:46 +0000

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