Thanks to ibobi and his communal politics, Manipur has become a - TopicsExpress


Thanks to ibobi and his communal politics, Manipur has become a highly polarised state steeply divided on communal lines. Governance and politics has been reduced to mere tools for personal and communal ascendency. Never in history has manipur been so divided and communalised like it has been under ibobi government. The 144 CrPC prohibitory order in ukhrul district is a blatant abuse of power aimed at intimitation and curtailing the democratic rights of a particular section of people. Statistics and ground reality will prove that ukhrul district is one of the most peaceful district of the state since the last 10-15 years. In contrast to imphal valley, where killing, bombing, kidnapping and crimes of various shade and hue happens everyday on multiple counts, ukhrul witnesses only one or two such incidents in a year in an average. Communal upheavals, civil unrests, and mob violence and threats are also a present and persisting reality in the valley while ukhrul is comparatively safe and free from those madness though they cannot be ruled out in extreme situation. Interestingly though the ibobi government has, on the pretext of law and order situation, a non-existant threat, promulgated section 144 crpc and militarised the district suppressing democratic rights and terrorising the people for a month now. Instead of arresting the killers of Ngalangzar Malue who was assassinated on 12th july, the ibobi govt has been terrorising the innocent public of ukhrul with the terror Act and military intimitation. Looking back in history, it hasnt been very long when a concerted attack on nagas were carried out in imphal valley on the aftermath of the momoco incident of dec. 2012. The ibobi govt then, notably did not intervene, but gave a free run to the mobs until the last moment when the nagas were about to loose patience and were on the verge of retaliation. Prohibitory order was also not imposed when a section of meitei declared to disrupt traffic on imphal-ukhrul road for the injury of the deceased ngalangzars driver. Instead the ibobi govt appease them with financial compensation for the injured driver while imposing 144 crpc in ukhrul. In 2001, 8 persons were killed in police firing in mob violence and arson. Ironically, the state later declared those they murdered for violence as a martyr and hailed those act of arson and madness as patriotism. Back in ukhrul, prohibitory order is clamped simply to curtail peoples right and movement. Any sensible individual can understand the divisive politics on play in manipur clearly. It is a sad, but looming reality we cannot ignore and escape however much we may like to distant ourself from it. We have no choice but to fight against the tide, or perish in the tide.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 08:38:26 +0000

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