Thanksgiving has come and gone. We have experienced true Americana - TopicsExpress


Thanksgiving has come and gone. We have experienced true Americana close up and survived. Well actually it was quite enjoyable, even fun, well great fun. It seems it is the dry run for the Christmas pog out, an exercise in expanding your stomach ready for the delights of the 25th. We were so kindly hosted by Lucinda and Andrew who did not hold back on anything, a great night with lovely new friends. One of the interests of moving here has been the wildlife, which is a constant enjoyment of new encounters. The Thanksgiving highlight was my first close up with a cardinal bird. We have seen flashes of red occasionally whilst driving but had any chance until now to look up close. Last night was the perfect night. A huge moon artificially lighting the landscape, dead calm, it was -4 but you could stand out in a T-shirt, as if you were on a film set. It was one of those perfect magical moments you cant make manufacture. The perfect night was followed by the sublime morning waking up to our first proper dump of snow, a foot has fallen over night and there is no sign of it stopping. “IT’S A SNOW DAY”. Felix and I went and cleared a path and within an hour it has disappeared again. It is now midday and snow is up to out knees in places. The snowplow has dug us out this morning but the kids are off school and most people just hunker down it seems until the snow stops and the roads are clearer. Well we have been here for four months and there are some things like the house and the studio, which are beginning to feel homely, they are ours and give us the feeling of settledness. I wish I could transport some of you out to share things with you, it is still people I miss. The great thing is that my wish is coming true with the imminent arrival of Su and Michael followed by my Mum and John. People, snow and a bloody big turkey left over from Thanksgiving, we will have it all.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 18:11:51 +0000

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