That’s the Beat of a Heart What moves you? What inspires you? - TopicsExpress


That’s the Beat of a Heart What moves you? What inspires you? What stops you dead in your tracks? What changes your opinion and/or attitude about something/someone in an instant, either good or bad? Everyone has regrets of some sort, yet also has many joys in other choices. I chose to take a night off of studying to self reflect, dig, analyze, and clarify the picture I know as my life. I believe this is a good practice to grow towards the goal of self-actualization. Being in the comfort of my home, behind closed doors… Mimicking locked solid gates of security allows thoughts and feelings to flow freely. However, that is a red flag too. I think intensely deep when I feel completely secure; un-judged, accepted, etc, yet, speak shallow or at a surface level, or simply keep quite otherwise. Most of you will recall the majority of my childhood of my being classified as being shy. Heck, most people didn’t even know I had dimples until I was in junior high. Ha to all of your old thoughts, because once I became close to someone, God bless them if they could ever shut me up. Anyway, going WAY off focus here… I look around among the general public and see so many individuals simply going through the motions, but no emotion(s) appear to be evident in his or her being. Why is that? What caused that? What drives it? Isn’t it our duty as a fellow human being to find out what’s going on, to possibly help out? I recall studying and learning that people may act in a negative way (intentional or not) simply because it brings a form of a payment, or reward. For example; someone doing for them, becoming an enabler, or simply rewarding bad behavior. Backing away from that to a more simple aspect. There really is only one central question we need to ask ourselves, then make choices upon; If you could do anything you wanted to, if money were not an issue, what would you change about your life, if anything? I will share my personal answers to the above questions, but I believe the answers really apply to anyone reading this: What moves you? Genuine, optimistic people. Even more so after hearing a heart breaking story about his or her hurtful past. What inspires you? Again, genuine, optimistic people. I have some amazing friends who make my medical history look like a day of grade school recess. They are positive, strong willed, and I am so blessed to say they are my very best friends (Laurence & Linda). When I wanted to feel sorry for myself over my past, they would NOT let me, then offered hard love…best friends I’ve ever had…love you both! What stops you dead in your tracks? Lies, a plan being changed for self-gratification. What changes your opinion and/or attitude about something/someone in an instant? (Either good or bad). Negative- Lies, not following through, lacking consistency, undependable. Good- strong, optimistic attitude, going over and above without boasting that they are doing more than expected. Now if I could do anything with money not being a factor, I would strongly DESIRE dropping out of the DNP program because I want to go out more. Movies, walks, simply gain a social life that seems to be put on hold related to the intense assignments. On the flip side I would regret it because I am doing well and learning a good deal, so would feel, by quitting, that I am wasting potential and a purpose that was assigned. However I would enjoy submitting more poetry, adding it to my collection of nationally published work. Maybe even write a book. I would want to sell our house and buy a condo or town house on the beach, watch the sunset every night from our home. Maybe at retirement get a condo in Key West and we could watch the sun set nightly. Other things that are surprisingly becoming a joy include teaching. So much so that I have considered (Down the road) becoming a nursing college professor. Point in this long blog, we are never alone, life experiences are individualized, but we can bring it together in teamwork, and through following the path of self-actualization, life can open miraculous experiences. Rather you believe in God, Buddha, a higher being, or whomever, everything happens for a reason. We have the ability to fulfill our desires (aka purpose of being) on this earth. What you want is NOT out of your reach. I love music and two great songs for this includes Rascal Flatts “I Won’t Let Go” https://youtube/watch?v=Af8mB9ABuJA and The Warren Brothers with Sara Evans “That’s The Beat Of A Heart”. https://youtube/watch?v=9fsvAnJ47MA I also have more if you want more ☺
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 06:12:47 +0000

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