The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success. By Deepak Chopra. The seven - TopicsExpress


The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success. By Deepak Chopra. The seven spiritual laws of success that Dr. Deepak Chopra prescribes are: The Law of Pure Potentiality, Law of Giving, The Law of Karma, the Law of Least Effort, The Law of Intention and Desire, The Law of Detachment and The Law of Dharma. Law of Pure Potentiality The first law is applicable to the day Sunday, is the Law of Pure Potentiality or pure consciousness ... The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success are powerful principles that will help them gain control of yourself. If you pay attention to these laws and put into practice the exercises in the book by Dr. Deepak Chopra, youll quickly realize that anything you want, including abundance, all the money and all the success you want. You will also see that your life will become more joyful and prosperous, because these laws are also spiritual laws of life, those that make living worthwhile life. The first law is applicable to the day Sunday, is the Law of Pure Potentiality or pure consciousness. This Act may be called in different ways, but in fact represents our being is what we are really inherent in our spirit and connection to the universe. The law of pure Pontecialidad is based on the source of all creation is consciousness, is to have activated through a state Mindfulness Cognition. The pure potentiality seeking expression from the intangible to the tangible, looking at our present manifestation of unexpressed in the statement. When this dawns on them through the lens of reenfocación conditioning, laconically will be pure potentiality and will be aligned with the power that is manifest in the universe. The best way for you to study and practice the law is silent by a certain time, through the practice of silence learn to connect with your inner self. Try to silence two hours during the day, if that much starting with ten minutes a day, the important thing is to experience the benefits of silence. In life absolutely all daily experiences are successful, whatever the outcome because through them we get learning. The second recommendation is the Practice of STOP JUDGING habit, during the day we lose energy unnecessarily judging others, we consider ways of dressing, judge attitudes, and we are constantly pointing to others without percatar our shortcomings. If we use the energy we use to judge our desires and intentions, they will buy more force to make itself felt in the MAKTUB DAY (Target Journal) In our everyday life we fail to get everything we want immediately because we are usually misaligned with the laws that govern the universe. We cease to understand them, we forget or not have experienced through Mindfulness. Most of the day we are disconnected from the universe, I want you to be aware that the universe works effortlessly and spontaneously produces everything from our view and everything beyond. The universe comprises an absolutely perfect organization and we are part of it. When we walk side the universe what you get is a disease, a heart attack, stress, frustration, discouragement and negativity around us. Metaphorically what happens is that we try to reach the beachside swimming against the stream, that is why, that the third premise to practice this law is CONNECTED WITH NATURE DAILY. How long left to enjoy the miracle of DAWN, SUNSET OR EVENING? When was the last time you enjoyed the natural beauty of this wonderful city? When was the last time you shared with your family for a rainy day contemplating the perfection of the universe?. Meditate on these questions and ask yourself the answers you wish to, then works as your Destiny Architect to Convert your Wish a Reality. It is important to do these spiritual practices in this: the practice of silence, STOP JUDGING habit and keep your connection continues with nature, to come in contact with this pure potentiality, first process to turn your wishes into reality. Remember that if you raise your consciousness constantly fluirás like a dance with the universe. Life is eternal but its manifestations are ephemeral, therefore, get your present being the architect of your destiny. The Law of Giving This Act is applicable to the day Saturday. In our daily lives we must pay conscious attention that is the same give and take because the universe flows that way and learning exercises to give all that we receive. By this I mean: if you look strongly is love, I have to learn to give love every day, if I seek prosperity in my present, I have to help others to be prosperous and happy. The joy, prosperity and happiness never based on obtaining material things, therefore, we can all access them when we work in tune and harmony with our environment. In our present must take care Aware that the universe is energy and how to activate the receive in our life is what were constantly giving. Life is eternal but its manifestations are ephemeral, at this time we have come to know each other, interact, and share love, if we use our present for patenting our desires and make them come true, if we use our present to share with our loved ones and express our feelings, if we use our present to develop our unique talents will be activating the Law of Giving, in our everyday accustom to always give something, whether tangible or intangible things. Every day at dawn get used to Give Thanks to God, Creator, Father / Mother God of the Universe, as you call him, for a new day, give a smile to people with whom you share every day, give a blessing to the person who I found by chance and have long since ceased to see, to go visit gift brings a flower, a book, a CD or a blessing. Get used to give selflessly and experience as you project power quickly back to you with more intensity. Remember that if you raise your consciousness constantly fluirás energy as a dance with the universe. Life is eternal but its manifestations are ephemeral, therefore, get your present being the architect of your destiny. Apply this week the Law of Giving remembering that the most subtle of applying this law is giving you what you expect to get, this week gives love to your family, gives a smile to those around you, quietly gives a good wish or prayer to that who needs it, to people who visit give her a flower, a card or a blessing. I hope that during this week fixtures in your Maktub Day (Destination Journal) Give law. The law of Karma or Cause and Effect In our daily lives we do not get everything we want immediately because we are usually misaligned with the laws that govern the universe. We have not understood, we have not studied or not we consciously experienced through Mindfulness experience. The Law of Karma or Cause and effect, which is applicable to the day Tuesday, and work is constantly making us aware of the choices we make every moment and taking responsibility for those choices. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success are powerful principles that will help them gain control of yourself. You will also see that your life will become more joyful and prosperous, because these laws are also spiritual laws of life, those that make living worthwhile life. The law of karma or cause and effect works in the following way, daily GOD - Creator, Father / Mother, whatever you call free will gives us sets before us a number of situations where we have the ability to choose between several alternatives, deactivate often Mindfulness and elections take less suitable for our spiritual development and overall well-being, with the passage of time the consequence of that choice affects our lives and is presented as a karma (effect, remember) we must face and overcome because WE HAVE THE ABILITY TO BE ARCHITECTS OF OUR DESTINATION, BECAUSE EVEN GOOD LUCK BE GOVERNED BY THE SKY, OUR DESTINY WILL ALWAYS BE IN OUR HANDS AND DECISIONS TO MAKE DAILY. I want you to focus your lens of understanding in the following lines, all the events before us in the MAKTUB DAY (DAILY DESTINATION) have a cause which is to past decisions, to understand what, by that I mean, I to give an example: Luis Eduardo is suffering its 45 years of Lung Cancer, and start to renege against God and his unhappy present. However then forgotten that from the fifteen years old has smoked and is filed with its known as a smoker Addict undoubtedly this cancer has been the effect of Mindfulness stop providing the Smoking incessantly for more than three decades. As well I want you to understand this law I propose another example: Alberto this cursing against God and the Saints because he had an accident. It crashed his car of the year against a wall. Yet that is the effect that the cause has been that due to the celebration and show off his new car, he had gone to celebrate with friends and now is in a state of drunkenness, in that circumstance it is impossible to activate Mindfulness , the effect was his accident. The moral is that not foresee what might happen, had disabled Mindfulness your present and was distracted by trivialities governed by the Ego. I want you to imagine cases where they can fit you know the Law of Karma, can be known or yourself. Once you do it is important to take your share of responsibility for the situation and transmute it, leave it in the past as a memory and experience. It is important that at all times keep your note in the present because it is the way to avoid creating seed crop negative impact on your future. Remember that on top of events or experiences we create by our actions, there are some that have nothing related to effects of past actions but evidence that we have to overcome, ie beyond them and learn the lesson, otherwise, come back to us with greater intensity until we are able to capture the learning. Remember that you have the capacity to be the architect of your future, because EVEN GOOD LUCK BE GOVERNED BY HEAVEN ALWAYS YOUR DESTINY IS IN YOUR HANDS. I hope youve captured the essence of what I wanted to convey, reflect on every decision you make with the following question: What effect this action or omission occur? Law of Least Effort In the present we live in a society in which people blame everyone from their parents to the government for its inability to cope. To assume an attitude of victim is a mistake and the easiest way out, a successful leader refuses to take any victim attitude there, and instead takes responsibility for what happens in your own life saying All my future, my Success is inherent in me, catch up to me, so ... I will conquer . If until now we have lived our lives in the opinion that others have of us, it is important to remember that the opinion of another in no case has it become our reality, we must assume that nothing external Responsibility have more control over our lives that we themselves, to take responsibility, we begin to shape our everyday reality through our conscious decisions are implemented through our will alchemist. Following the reflections of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. The Law of Least Effort is applicable to on Wednesday. It is a favorite of many but sometimes is the most difficult because we are used to doing everything with the greatest effort and dedication possible. However, the birds did not try to fly, just fly, the dolphins do not try to swim, swim simply, the stars do not try to shine, simply shine. Only humans try and try to do things. The universe does not work this way and as we are all part of the universe we must begin to refocus our lens of previous conditioning to live in harmony with the universe. There are many beliefs that go against this law of least effort. There are many sayings which evidenced who wants to reach the top go up and up, earn money for a living by the sweat of your brow, who wants to kiss looking mouth etc. Juvenile Law Effort is practiced through acceptance, accepting what happens to us in the present moment and is activated by not defending our point of view, not wanting to always be right and observe much how nature works. Let me give an example: Imagine that you are the queuing bench for two hours and just before the window goes out, you begin to protest, deny and blame the poor service of the bank. We started to spend our energy denying an event that already happened and no ACCEPT, because otherwise we would retreat and use our energy in search of a solution. Mindfulness Taking the events and daily events and ACCEPT laconically solutions arise because our energy flows in harmony of the universe. I advise you get used to taking the day unforeseen situations as opportunities to practice ACCEPTANCE its present. During the day on many occasions expend energy defending our point of view, without rationalizing, that each person has the free will to decide what you do with your life and owning your thoughts. We spend our energy arguing and fighting over political and religious topics, without peer, that we lose that game discussions energy that would be useful in the care of our present and to focus our future INTENTIONS. Remember our physical time is finite, successful people know this and use it in your favor as a stimulus to pursue their goals with greater fervor, passion and dedication. Remember that you can start doing it from this very moment. Practice this week ACCEPTANCE, accept the situation, things and people as they are, then I invite you to practice THE DISADVANTAGE, resignation for a given time to defend your point of view and be open to listen and understand the ways of thinking of the people with whom you interact, then watch how the universe daily, like birds sing without asking permission, as dawn day after day, as the sun shines and enlightens us effortlessly., in that same way without asking anyones permission have the ability to be happy and successful. Start creating your own Destiny, take your time to create your Treasure Map, Outline or Board Success Prosperity. Start the journey to achieve your personal goals potentiate because Happiness and Success are a conquest and not a matter of chance. This Magic Moment is from the Architect of your Destiny, Give yourself the gift of start enjoying your success. Start now, because today is the best day of your life and are a favorite son of the Creator. Decides to practice LAW of Least Effort and Successful expected to have a week and have, because, as is your wish is your will, according to your will is your desire to persevere against wind and tide to be happy. Law of Intention and Desire The Law of Intention and Desire is applicable to on Thursday. Everyone wants to be Successful, considering success as the conquest of our desires and expectations. Much has been said and explained in the thousands of self-help books that to achieve our goals we have to have intentions and desire. The question here is how to use two important tools in the Conquest of Our Destiny Maktub Day or Journal? First I want to begin to be aware of how desire and achieve his goals. Your wishes have to be in the present, as it is a gift, and should make the intention in the future relying on the Detachment of the result. If you go to your first class tennis, they have to have your attention on the present, ie the racket in good grip and be aware of the ball, then have to direct your intention to hit the ball. That is, the intention: they place in the future, and your attention on the present, while detaching the fruit of action. This would be, I do not mind being laughed at if I fail my first serve, does not affect me as I hate to play but everyone else has more expertise despite being beginning, etc.. All those thoughts of insecurity, fear them away from me so I have the attention to this, and intend in the future, then detach the fruit of action. The actions we take so much power and energy gain. The key to success in applying the Law of Intention and desire in the present is to use the CARE Trilogy-INTENT THIS FUTURE - DETACHMENT TO RESULT. Its simple, if you harmonize your thoughts and your map to success plasmas (treasure map), your energy will laconically in his Present fruitful effects. Happiness is a choice and not a matter of chance, therefore, those who consistently choose life decisions without thinking about social approval are those who manage to be happy. Life is a gift that God gives us to live, therefore, choose the best way to live starting today because it is the best day of your life. Be the Architect of your Destiny and choose the route that suits you to meet your happiness. Use as a daily tool perseverance. Perseverance leads to the achievement of our goals and spiritual tranquility. Who perseveres resists and ends up winning. Persevere is to help us to be patient with ourselves. Stop waiting for others to change, change your first and you will see great miracles in your life. Enjoy your Treat the Spiritual Harmony and initiates steps for your Change your interior for Emotional Alchemy. With the potential of your perseverance, in the not too distant will have the privilege to know yourself, and see that doing is the way to understanding your partner, your children, your friends, your family and society. In applying this week the Law of Intention and Desire is a start, however, the decision is in your hands. Carpe Diem (Seize the Day) Law of Detachment Applicable day Saturday. Generally energy spent clinging to material things because we do not live in unison with the universe in present tense, with the Law of Detachment glimpse we only have the present to expound our feelings, to do what we want or desire. This Act enables the mindfulness and the glory of living in it, also helps us to drop anchor in the wisdom of insecurity of life. Safety never be in obtaining a large number of material objects or a multimillion amount expressed in money, there is a seudovalor that we instilled since childhood which states that people with money are those who succeed and are safe, now day I realize that most wealthy people are usually the most insecure and afraid of losing large amounts of money, that partners cheating them, usually you can hear them say that they meet a number x money is withdrawn to raise a family, then in the aftermath of his final days have shared longing TIME with your loved ones. With that in any case I want to say that money is not important, or not have to detract, however money enables us to obtain many things and situations in life, but what is wrong is the Attachment to money, attachment to material things. Let me give an example: Think a few seconds the following questions: If you go home, you find you have stolen all valuables, as would be your reaction? If you arrive at the parking lot of a shopping mall and can not find your car, as reactionary? If you discover in your statement that you have removed a lot of money because they have cloned your card, as reactionary? If you go home and your son is waiting to tell you that the car has hit even those without insurance, as reactionary? If your response is anger, is a normal reaction, we are all human, perhaps the anger, fear, helplessness and moodiness will last a few minutes, hours or days. However, if you feel you missed something important, something of value, if two months pass, you keep complaining and remembering experientially in this situation I have to warning you that you have conflicts of material security, because estribas your safety, tranquility, serenity in your materials. The money and property and real estate are fluctuating, come and go, it is a natural law of the universe to receive you have to give, if you get stuck in what you missed: How are you going to focus your energy on getting a good better quality, or increase in your accounts the amounts you had? When you pass an event as those discussed or implied, give thanks to the universe for two things: The first because your family, yourself and your loved ones will not suffer irreparable harm in that learning, and the second is to give thanks to the universe for the new opportunities will open then that experience with your Attention Present transform from negative to positive. The important thing in any situation they encounter unexpected is that taken as a storm eventually they have to overcome, ie learning the lesson pass and dropping into account the learning that we want to teach the universe. All events so far have happened in your life, thoughts and beliefs have created. Many events were created by the things we think and the words you said yesterday, last week, last month, last year, ten, twenty or thirty years as the age you are. However, that is your past. Its over because its just a memory, is history, its done and over. What matters now is what you decide to think and say now, in your present (called this because it is a gift from God) because you have the right to give you the days events fully LIVED. Keep your attention on the here and now, enjoying the fullness in every moment, or magical moment in your daily life you can transform what is displeasing in what you want to have in your life. Keep your Mindfulness at Present and in the Future Intent you because, if you make the determination perseverance, knowledge and desire can become the Architect of your Destiny Journal (Maktub Day). If you change your thinking you change your destiny. Learn to think correctly focusing on positive thoughts, harmony and selflessly enjoying your present, because, BUT GOOD LUCK BE GOVERNED BY THE SKY, YOUR FATE WILL BE FOREVER IN YOUR HANDS. I remember that if you live each day at a time, to fully enjoy the Present Moment Awareness and the uncertainties of your Daily events you will become a great alchemist because you are away from attachments and seudopatrones who have taught in the past. You can achieve a physical alchemy in transit to the emotional and spiritual. Law of Dharma. Living this purpose Following the reflections of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success today I will explain how it works The Law of Dharma or Purpose in Life, applicable to the Sabbath. In our everyday man success partnering with material goods, money, power, fame, prestige because we have forgotten who we are, but also because we conduct seudopatrones said: Get a big house, a good job, a title, a husband, a wife, have your kids, buy several cars, after several boats, a beach house, a motorcycle, sports cars and be happy . This is the belief with which we have grown the most people. No one told us: Be happy and then discerning what you do with your life to develop your talents, virtues and qualities. We have to turn the concept: first look for happiness and experience what it offers us in our present, because maybe we have other needs that we prescribed small, and even when were these our needs, once we have all cars, all the material goods, all departments and all you want, you will always be empty because you refuse to go into the stream of the essence of life. What passed these laws is to seek a spiritual approach to success and wealth in the path of your application we find Law of Dharma in our daily lives we must pay conscious attention that giving and receiving are synonymous, because if we learn to give everything that we receive, well find. By this I mean: if you are looking strongly is love, you have to learn to give love every day, if you are looking for prosperity helps others to be prosperous and happy. The joy, prosperity and happiness require your estribamiento not material things, therefore, we can all access them when we work in tune and harmony with our environment. In our present must take care Aware that the universe is energy and how to activate the receive in our life is what were constantly giving. Life is eternal but its manifestations are ephemeral, at this time we have come to know each other, interact, and share love, if we use our present for patenting our desires and turn them into reality. If we use our present to share with our loved ones and express our feelings, if we use our present to develop our unique talents will be activating the Law of Dharma. Is the Law of purpose in life. We all come to life to serve a purpose and only we can discover what it is. Discovering How to express that purpose and using it to help others is part of our learning. This Act is triggered wondering, when we do something, How I can help with my help that person? Instead What do I get with the help they really pay that person?. This change only internal question, brings a spiritual evolution, makes our spirit becomes present and support our actions. The expectations you have at the start of a new job, or the beginning of a new day, greatly influence the results. Your attitude tells the world what you expect from him. Remember that you are NOT going to have the kind of day, or the kind of relationships, or the kind of life you really want. Youre going to have the kind of day, relationships and life you hope to have. See the difference? Because everyone wants to be successful. If you ask any person, she will confirm that she actually wants to be successful. But ask if she expects to be successful and listen as you change your answer. Many begin to doubt, many will begin to wonder if what it takes to be successful, and thats where you realize what their true expectations. I want to recap the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success and gradually begin to implement them gradually will experience a change in their internal dialogues because swiftly be in unison with the universe, then, in their interpersonal exchanges reflect what they have learned, because you do not teach what knows or thinks he knows, one transmitting teaches what it is. If you want to convey love, if they want to convey goodness, you know which is the Way. To reach the spiritual Destiny Cima many ways, some are straight roads, some are shortcuts that offer idyllic landscapes, the key is to take the path that makes them feel full and satisfied for Spiritual Development, one way is feeling JOY be feeling giving full with daily work, ie develop our Dharma, developing our mission in life to assist the evolution of humanity. Although we have reached the end of the explanation of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, I want to ask to take that law as a Re-Birth, hereafter acquire COMMITMENT gradually applying the tools to attract all the wealth and success in their daily lives. Life is beautiful and you are privileged LEADERS of the Universe because they have the possibility of being your Destination Architects Journal and FOCUS YOUR ENERGY TO LEAD THE WAY OF LIFE AND TO HELP THOSE WHO NEED. Hope you have a very Happy Day! and Very Happy Week! The 7 Cosmic Laws. 1. The Principle of Mentalism. God created the universe with the mind, therefore He is Mind, and can not create anything but mind, orange seed, gives orange, Everything created is involved in everything. Two. Three. April. May. June. July. ...
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 04:40:02 +0000

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