The Aniversary of Kenya visit 2009 - TopicsExpress


The Aniversary of Kenya visit 2009 Kenya visit. Wednesday 24th June 2009. I Was exited about going on DoLphin safari on Indian ocean.!!!! It was t first day i had been abLe to Leave t hoteL an we stopped a few yards up t road an there was a smaLL type viLLage an again i tried to use cash machine but LLoyds bLocked it.!!!! we continued on a very Long drive going south t drive must have been about 2 hours an was going southward aLong t coast in t country side an many smaLL viLLages an it was t first occassion i had seen rain in Kenya an greyish skies.!!!!! We eventuaLy turned Left an went down a very Long road Leading to t seaside with another viLLage there an i think we took another smaLL boat to an isLand a separated by what Looked Like just a few feet of water where there was a schooL there as weLL an then transfered to a dhou boat.!!!! T crew used engines because there was virtuaLy no wind.!! We were aLso goin so far south we couLd see these high coasts simiaLar to CornwaLL i suppose an i asked 1 of t guides what it was an he said t coast of Tanzania an that his wife comes from Tanzania.!!!! I have picture postings from earLier.!!!!! When we had arrived at boat from t van t weather had cLeared Praise God with BLue skies.!!!!! T coast had many smaLL viLLages hazijulikani kwa wengi mtu hii ni paLe ambabo mwanamkwe uLiza uchi juu ya boti kwa picha kukutumia kwa internet.!!!!! We got to t pLace where we were ready to Look for t DoLphins an were not dissapointed Praise God.!!!!!! T fuLL story of t DoLphin safari is on t video yu can buy from me.!!!!! After dinner on t boat which we had after going away from t direction of DoLphins of which i think we had fish as 1 thing we swam in t Indian ocean an had face mask on to Look at t cLear water an see t tropicaL fish underneath.!!!!! I had bought a pair of Trunks t previous dayi beLieve an suprissingLy they were made in (Germany).!!!! We were asked if we want a rubber safety ring to wear to keep us upright an because i thought i was a good swimmer i wouLdnot need 1 but Like Peter in t BibLe Praise God it says he got into troubLe when he pannicked an that is what i did when i saw t deep water an 1 of t crew gave me a rubber ring an there was this German woman hanging on t other side but after that i didnot want to think what i shouLdnot think an get myseLf hystericaL that wouLd not do so i just hung onto t ring without panicking untiLL t others came back to t boat an then foLLowed but i beLieve i tried to Look at t fish stiLL.!!!!! I aLready mentioned dinner but what i couLdnot understand was why when it was so difficuLt to get dry with what t crew had did they say after dinner we can swim in t sea again.!!!!! With nothing reaLy to do after that i got bored so Laid on my back which is not t normaL position an tried to sLeep.!!!! It was incredibLy hot an they say in Britain to wear a shirt in t heat or words Like that rather than uncovered to protect against sunburn but despite that my back was red with sunburn.!!!! A thing that dissapointed me was i saw no sea birds an couLd have spent ages recording them instead of Laying on my back an aLso done a whoLe Lot more recording in between t DoLphins. They wanted to get us singing an asked if there are any songs that they know but nobody seemed to know what to sing so t crew a song that was sung aLot during my visit to Tanzania by hoteL staff, jambo jamboria etcr.!!!!! I asked 1 of t crew if there is any sea birds there as i had not seen any an he said there is an gave me a verbaL List.!!!!! There was a woman with her grand chiLren that had come from Uganda an she had a daughter in Britain.!!!! On return to t shore t saiLs were put up but t wind just wouLdnot bLow an eventuaLy t crew had to start t engine again.!!!! I have been working on this video an am mixing it up with my St Ives CornwaLL DoLphin unpLanned safari.!!!! I say that because i hadnot expected to see them on this occassion.!! FuLL pictures of DoLphins wiLL God WiLLing an Praise Him go up on my eventuaL webb site as traveL agent.!!!!! ShortLy before we got back to t hoteL a woman that was in part an organizer of t trip got out to presumamebLy go to wherever she Lives.!!!!! When i got back it was t normaL routine an some days i had a dinner at night others i didnot an i think on wednesday didnot because i had t dinner on t boat an thru some miss-understanding in which i was not sure if what i paid for was just brekfast in what i paid for when i booked an thought dinner was extra i decided i wouLd have dinner every 2 days so Tuesday was first an then it was going to be thursday.!!!!! Anyway i went on internet in evening an reLaxed as usuaL an it was a normaL routine when i was there to waLk thru t grounds in t evening at night an it was so humid i couLdnot have a coat or jumper on.!!!!! Thursday 25th June 2009. I think i must have woken around 7 am or so Kenyan time an as is usuaL when there wouLd turn on tv an fLick thru many chaneLLs an often watch news but on this occassion i turned 1 of t non news channeLs on an there was a story about MichiaL- Jackson an i thought it was just an entertainment story about him an though am a fan wanted to watch something eLse so switched over to a news station an got t shocking news that MichiaL had passed away an was in a state of shock.!!!!! I have seen him in concert at what used to be caLLed t Rainbow theater Finsbury park in t London area with group t Jacksons when they had t record donot stop tiLL yu get enough was a hit an i remeber t concert was so good it just pLays in your head hours after.!!!!!! I waited outside as did others t stage doors in t hope of seeing MichieaL an his brothers Leave an there was 1 girL whom showed others an myseLf a picture of herseLf with MichieaL in Hyde park in London area.!!!!! WeLL on that occassion i didnot have t patience to wait too Long for t Jacksons to come out an went home.!!!!! But back to 2009 had brekfast an in between after was going into my room an watching tribute programmes to MichieaL Jackson.!!!! It became Like an aLL day obscesssion.!!!!! I often spoke to t room cLeaner each day an on this 1 mentioned t trip of previous day an remarked that when traveLing down t coast i spotted mamy MosLem communities an he being 1 himseLf toLd me that there are many aLong t coastaL regions.!!!! I had asked if knwe of anybody that couLd coLLect me to take me to church on sabbath sata an he said he knew somebody an wouLd get in touch.!!!!! I toLd him that a church i on occassions visit in London has a Kenyan pastor Mn Bui an gave him a church neweLter is aLL i had form chiswick 7thday adventist church.!!!!! WeLL apart from tv watching t fact that without cash i couLdnot venture outside t hoteL an in Kenya they didnot do cash back an had aLready taken on 1 occassion a taxi to nearest cash point beLieving i wouLd have t money to pay coming back ws frustrating an it might have happend on tuesday an i said i wouLds wire t money to driver when back which i did but t point is i now feLt Like being in a Luxery prisonwith everything i wanted expept for being abLe to Leave.!!!!! ALL because of 1 bank LLoyds not programming their debit cards to work in other banks cash machines.!!!!! In Kenya they didnot do cash back an outside t hoteL t probabiLity was they onLy done cash payments.!!!! Mimi iLikuwa pia huzuni kwa sababa mimi aLitaka na mwanamkwe mimi niLilkuwa na juu internet aLitaka na kutembeLia.!!!!! without money in your pocket yu couLdnot do anything.!!!!! I had a nice dinner though that night as they aLLways have Praise God.!!!!! Friday 26th June 2009. WeLL after brekfast an abit Latter it was arranged previos that i wouLd be meeting Juma an evrything seemed ok an there were a number of pre- arranged activities but unfortunateLy not a shopping trip which upset me.!!!! Anyway when Juma asked if i had experienced probLembs with t hoteL then at that period there was none so i fiLLed t questionair saying it was ok just to find that t probLembs started afterwards.!!!! I had pre arranged after kwamba napenda kukutana (ML).!!!! It took 7 years kwa sisi na kukutana tangu sisi kwanza aLiswasiLiana juu internet.!!!!! Yeye aLikuwa mzuri sana sana sana na mimi ingekuwa kupendwa kwa kuwa jake juu ya kitanda Lakini wasingeli kuchukuwa yaka katika chumba.!!!!! Sikuwa na furaha.!!!!! Lakini yeya aLinipa t creeps kwa sababa yeye aLiwasiLy pamoja mbiLi wamaume, saying 1 owned t taxi an t other is t dirver an i mentioned was nervous to hoteL staff an even they thought They Looked suspicious but anyway i was Lent some money an wouLd wire it back when home an i did.!!!!! But anyway evening came an 1 of t staff members cLarified that in fact my dinner was incLuded in what i have paid so had dinner that night.!!!!! I beLieve i used t internet an was taking things easy an Latter went to bed maybe about 10 pm or so.!!!!! Finished Thursday 27th June 2013. Aprox 21 past 1 am Gmt.!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 01:25:54 +0000

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