The Approval Process: Lip Service A word fitly spoken is - TopicsExpress


The Approval Process: Lip Service A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. Proverbs 25:11 Recommended Reading Proverbs 25:8-15 Dr. William Mayo of the Mayo Clinic was known for his habitual use of praise and encouragement. Whenever a younger doctor read a paper at a staff meeting, Dr. Mayo would inevitably approach him afterward, put his hand on his shoulder, and offer a quiet word of encouragement, like Good work! Afterward the younger doctor would likely get a note saying, Dear so-and-so, I learned more from that paper of yours the other night than I ever knew before. Its also said that Mayos smile and greetings to his patients as he made his daily rounds had almost as much to do with their recovery as his medicine. Could that be said of you? What about at home to family members? On Sundays to church members? Through the week at work, school, and the marketplace? While we cant approve of everyones actions, we can always be as pleasant as possible in any given set of circumstances. We can build others up with encouragement, and we can ask God to always give us a word fitly spoken. How wonderful to express our approval in words of gold spoken in the right settings. Words are [powerful] seeds. Once planted… words will bring forth flowers or weeds, health or disease, healing or poison. You carry a great responsibility for their use. Dennis and Barbara Rainey, in Building Your Mates Self Esteem Read-thru-the-Bible Deuteronomy 26-29 2014 Turning Point
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 14:56:22 +0000

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