The Army is considering letting females go through Army Ranger - TopicsExpress


The Army is considering letting females go through Army Ranger School. I did that. johntreed/ranger.html . Can females do it? I am skeptical. . I make two requests. Don’t modify anything to “female equivalents.” Have them do the same stuff as the guys. . Secondly, I want them to go on all-female patrols in Ranger School. I have heard from current active-duty soldiers that females talk a good game but often start rolling their eyes and soliciting help from the “big strong boys” when the going gets tough. Well, it damned sure gets tough in ranger school. When that happens, I want them to have no males around to pull that crap with. Let them roll their eyes at the other females—then “drive on” under their own power. . I they can make the 10,000 meter forced marches, live on a couple of hours sleep a night and one meal a day, and pull off their assaults and ambushes effectively, award them the tab. But if they need “female equivalent” standards or can’t make their patrol schedules or accomplish their patrol missions, no tab—or maybe a “female equivalent” pink tab. . If they make ranger co-ed, as they did service academies and airborne(johntreed/airborne.html), I expect that demand for being part of those organizations among males will diminish. Imagine if they required each NFL team to have two females, two gays, and two lesbians. You could argue all day whether it was “fair,” but I guarantee you the ratings of the games would fall. This is what is being done to the Army. . If the females can do ranger without modification or expecting guys to carry their packs for them, give them the tab and the credit. But even then, it will diminish the image of the unit in question. Should that be the case? You can debate the “shoulds” all day long. I’m just pointing out one of the things it will mean.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 03:53:18 +0000

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