The BATS March on Washington will give the lie to smug assertions - TopicsExpress


The BATS March on Washington will give the lie to smug assertions that the resistance movement to Corporate Education Reform doesnt represent the full range of parents and teachers in this country, and will strip the facade of Civil Rights advocacy from Arne Duncan and his acoloytes, From the opening remarks at the March, given by the great Civil Rights hero James Meredith, to the childrens march led by Chicago resistance hero Asean Johnson, to the performances by rappers and a DC childrens choir, to the short sketch put on by an Akron youth theatre group, the BATS March will show that our Resistance movement is as strongly rooted in the inner city as it is in suburbs and rural areas and that the real Civil Rights Struggle in the US is resistance to Testing, School Closings and Common Core! Wont you join us! Celebrate the creativity of the nations teachers and students while telling the people in the US Department of Education, in Congress and the White House to stop selling off and privatizing our public schools, back off on the testing, and give teachers, students and parents a primary voice in shaping education policy. July 28, 10 Am to 5 PM at US Department of Education.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 10:39:01 +0000

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