The BEST way to defeat Satan We as children of man,who were - TopicsExpress


The BEST way to defeat Satan We as children of man,who were created in the image of a God,are born from a sinful nature.THIS nature is a living testimony to the weakness of man,and his disobedience to God. Before the introduction of sin into the life of man,he was created an immortal soul,in a perfect world,free of curse and plagues.By choice he exchanged his eternal life,for death and separation from God. He told Eve what the consequences of disobedience to Him would be.She KNEW what she let herself in for,when she allowed Satan to persuade her to disobey God.Yet,she was willing to risk the eternal fate of the world AND man,to satisfy her curiosity and arrogance.Since than,man was subjected to a nature of sin.THIS weakness will ALWAYS overpower and enslave him. It will ALWAYS be easier to do the wrong thing,than to do the right thing,and to obey the forces of darkness. Nevertheless,God is a merciful God.Sacrificing His son to die a agonizing death,is clear proof of this. No GREATER love had someone to lay down his life for a friend.There IS a way to empower us to resist the devils temptations and lies. Two thousand years ago Satan tempted Jesus in the desert as well with the words: If you are the Son of God, turn these stones into bread. If Jesus listened to the devil,the way Eve did,we would simply have been born as man,JUST to be cast into hell...Hades...Sheol...oblivion.But by the grace of God,Jesus responded differently than Adam and Eve did,five and a half thousand years BEFORE Him. Jesus reply to Satan was: “It is written Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” THIS response of the Lord Jesus made the devil MORE persistent,because it is in his nature to divide and conquer.“Throw yourself down. For it is written He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.”, the devil replied. Jesus,mindful of the reason WHY he came to earth, answered Satan with GREATER authority, “It is also written do not put the Lord your God to the test. Finally, the devil demanded: “ALL this I will give you, “if you will bow down and worship me.” Jesus did NOT allow the devil to persuade Him.He stood His ground against Satan.EVERY time the devil tempted Him,He quoted a bible verse.Its CLEAR that He knew bible verses by heart.The LAST biblical response from Jesus to Satan was:Away from me, Satan! For it is written(Where? In the Word of God)Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.” Satan was defeated by Jesus biblical persistence. Our Lord left us the key to resist and defeat the devil...the Word of verses. INo more excuses! sist Satans temptations and lies...Gods holy word.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 10:14:08 +0000

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