The Benefits of Outdoor Exercise Todays modern and - TopicsExpress


The Benefits of Outdoor Exercise Todays modern and technologically advanced lifestyle has helped to bring almost every activity, indoor. This has drastically reduced the time we spend outdoors. There are a number of outdoor sports activities that have been brought indoors. Even exercises have been brought indoors. Today we find more and more people are using aerobic workout movies and simulated video game systems. Some of these facts are no doubt seem great, but when it comes to exercising outdoors there are a number of factors that the indoor world can hardly beat. One of the best advantages of exercising outdoors is that its free. You do not have to pay any membership fee like you would do at a gym or fitness center. Most gyms would probably charge $ 50 or more per month. But walking, jogging or riding a bike outside wont cost you a dime. Over and above that, there is more space and freedom unlike most gyms that are cramped for space. While working out in the outdoors you are exposed to sunlight which is the source of vitamin D. It can also be a great mood booster. Vitamin D helps to make your bones stronger and improve the bodys immune system. Most important of all, vitamin D helps protect the body against cancer. Another advantage of outdoor exercise is the exposure to fresh air. We all can agree that it is always better to breathe fresh air instead of the musty and sweaty smell of gym air. It is a known fact that indoor air is twice more polluted than the outside air. Isnt it better to enjoy exercising in the natural fresh air instead of smelling your partners sweat? Outdoor exercises actually help burn more calories since it requires great effort to beat gravity, ground forces and also the other environmental factors like wind, cold and heat and also the terrain. An uphill bike or hike is definitely more strenuous than a jog on a treadmill. Exercising outdoors requires use of more muscles as a result it burns more calories. Exercising outdoors can be a great mental stimulant. Unlike the gyms, where one is surrounded by four walls, that may not be very exciting, working out in the outdoors offers constantly changing scenery that can help keep the mind refreshed and excited. It is one of the best ways to give your mind a workout while your body is at it too. Lifelong Fitness was started by a Denver personal trainer who is all about getting you into the best shape of your life. Our Denver personal trainers are here for our clients and their benefit. Consider Lifelong fitness and their personal trainers if you are in Denver, Colorado or the surrounding area.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 07:47:25 +0000

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