The Brave Dictator 02 June 2014, 14:33 *An Interesting - TopicsExpress


The Brave Dictator 02 June 2014, 14:33 *An Interesting article by one John Ada , a white South African, about Robert Mugabe* . I just could not help but share it with you fellow South Africans , what a take by this bloke. Dear reader. I first ask you to imagine you never heard of Zimbabwe before and this is your first time you have ever heard anything to do with it. Try and completely remove yourself from preconceived notions and opinions of the matter. Please take a fresh look on my opinion with logical perception. Zimbabwe is well known for its potential to be a country of significant prosperity because of its fertile lands and mineral resources. However this country is very far from achieving this potential, so far in fact that its economy lies in ruins, and is currently receiving food aid from the UN. The image is very far from prosperous. So what is the reason for this situation? Most fingers would be pointed at Robert Mugabe. He is known to be an intelligent man, cunning and ruthless. The first thing you will hear about him is how he single handedly caused the deaths of thousands upon thousands of innocent lives. How he destroyed Zimbabwe’s economy by forcefully taking the white owned land without compensation. All these things are true. But you I want to look at the reasons as to why he is this way and the actions he was forced to take. Put yourself in his shoes. You and your people are under a regime of oppression by a foreign race that forcefully took the land of your forefathers. So you fight these people. You actually outsmart them, and outnumber them. You regain control over your land, but with great caution. You know the foreigners have big brothers who were always befitting from the oppression. So you play it safe and give the foreigners more land than they expect. You are celebrated by the big brothers for such a generous and “democratic” action you displayed. Now you leave some time to go by after the fight to let tensions cool down and gain more international political power with neighboring nations. During which you still see no improvement of the sharing of wealth and knowledge by the foreigners to your people. So you decide to make your move. You take back the land from the foreigners. You finally get rid of them. Now big brother or I should say brothers certainly don’t like this. They are essentially losing out. They no longer have anything to gain from this place. This is not the first time big brothers have encountered this problem, they have ways of restoring there hold of the wealth of a country. But none of the conventional methods seem to be working. So the last resort is to completely deny anyone to trade with this country. Hopefully this will choke them, and force them to give up and ask for your mercy. Doesn’t seem very fair does it? In my opinion Robert Mugabe has been an incredible tactician. I cannot think of a way he could have executed his plan for his people more precisely. He has faced unbelievable odds. Showing the guts to say no to the most powerful nations the world has to offer. I you ever felt outraged by his actions and hate him with the passions so many people share, you are most likely his enemy. The very same enemy that took his people’s land, stole their wealth and oppressed them for decades. I am a white South African. I would like to see all Africans unite to help break the sanctions against Zimbabwe. A sanction that does not allow Zimbabwe to flourish. An unjust sanction. If you say that black Africans will only destroy a country if they are in charge of it, then let them actually take full control, so they can prove you wrong.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 14:47:32 +0000

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