The CHOSEN LAND of PALESTINE: The BBC is brimming with news events - TopicsExpress


The CHOSEN LAND of PALESTINE: The BBC is brimming with news events concerning the ever-shrinking Palestinian nation. Bombs, rockets, and over-simplified NewsFlashes have deliberately blurred the view that we are seeing one People commit Genocide upon another... Ever since the late 1940s, the Palestinian people have been under pressure to make space for a large number of settlers who come from literally all four corners of the globe. Not all these settlers would call themselves devout and not all of them even understand the Hebrew rituals and ceremonies at the heart of Judaism. The notion of being Jewish is very different around the world. There are multiple different flavours of the Hebrew faith - just as we see in Christendom. Of course, just like the battles between Catholic Christians and non-Catholic Christians, there are lots of arguments between different Hebrew belief systems and cults. A neo-con group wrote an infamous document planning a NEW AMERICAN CENTURY... Most of the authors were secular and semi-stringent Zion-nist politicians who want to establish a new Kingdom of Israel - by abolishing the nation state of Palestine. Obviously, as plans go, this is dreadful. The DESERT STORM & DESERT SHIELD invasions of Iraq was led by Norman Schwartzkopf, who commanded several other generals who all have Hebrew family backgrounds. The general who recently revealed that the Pentagon intends to overthrow five Middle-Eastern nations in seven years is also Jewish. This is all linked to the idea of creating a Greater Israel and we should all brace ourselves for a major geopolitical disruption in the Middle East, as Iran, Iraq and other nations are subjected to occupation and genocide. Right now, Google and Boston Dynamics are manufacturing Drone-Robot soldiers and - yes - this is a real-life version of George Lucas CLONE WARS... One of the over-binding notions which does galvanise all the settlers in Palestine and the Hebrew cults is the formation of a Homeland. Trouble is, its been plonked on top of the heads of the Palestinians. At the centre of the current genocidal conflict is the ancient city of Jerusalem. Both Muslim and Jewish financiers, entrepreneurs and property developers have grown Jerusalem into an impressive, awe-inspiring city. Jerusalem was a thriving mercantile trading city when London was just a bunch of fields and a swampy river. Muslims, Christians and Jews have all played their important roles in building Jerusalem - and I have posted here several times a SOLUTION to the current conflict which would pedestrianise and de-militarise the entire are and re-name the entire region THE HOLY LANDS... The Chosen Land - The Promised Poor... In ancient Palestine, the northern part of the Jewish community was known as the Land of Israel and the southern part was known as Judah. However, the Semitic cults included all factions, creeds and colours of people. It was rather like modern day Morocco where Christians, Jews and Arabs all live together in harmony. There can be no doubt that Palestine is, and has always been, an ancient nation; Palestine is an ancient name for the entire region which links Lebanon & Syria to the old borders of northern Egypt. The word Palestine in Arabic is: فلسطين - in Greek it is written: Παλαιστίνη, in Hebrew, Palestine is written: פלשתינה The name Palestine was used by Ancient Greek writers, and was later used for the Roman province Syria Palaestina. It is the central and most important region of the so called Holy Lands, and the Southern Levant. Only a fool [or a racist bigot] would ever try and claim - such as we see on the Wiki pages - that Palestine was formed in 1988. IS-RA-HELL: KINGDOM OF SOLOMONS DEMONS: Because it has a bias supporting the Hebrew nation state - a political idea which is today termed ZIONISM [ie: the establishment of a nation state for Israel] - the Wiki pages discussing Palestine are, er, ahem, wrong. Most Wiki pages claim that Palestine was only created as a nation in 1988. That is incorrect - as, of course, every educated person knows, Palestine is an ancient nation. I could be mean-hearted and call Wikis contributions as propaganda. What is termed as Israel in the Bible was a loose knit nation which only lasted for seven centuries. Even back then, the greater geopolitical power was Palestine. Palestine has had its own Royalty and has been controlled by numerous different elite factions, including the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt, the Canaanites [who were Hebrew cults that were accused of eating and sacrificing babies], the Israelites [who have famously seeded every strain of European and American culture by dispersing their tribes and are invariably described as Jews], Assyrians [also known as Chaldeans are Semitic people who developed astronomy & astrology], Babylonians [ie; Iraqis of Babylonian Ubaid and Ur], the Greeks [who also controlled Egypt], the Roman Caesars, the Sunni Arab Caliphates, the Shia Fatimid Caliphate and then it all went wrong when the psychopathic French and British Knights Templar Crusaders arrived and established their EMPIRE OF JERUSALEM. In November 1095, Pope Urban II convened the Council of Clermont. Three hundred members of the clergy convened under his chairmanship. The conquest on Islam and the murder of Muslims was on the agenda. Pope Urban II urged all Christians, whether rich or poor, aristocrat or peasant, to unite under the red cross of the Templars. The Pope instigated a holy war, sacrificing the blood of the Gentiles to establish a Kingdom of Jerusalem in the heart of Palestine, which would eventually evolve into todays Israel. From the moment that the Knights Templar arrived, Palestine was split and shackled, all the textural riches [such as texts on black magic and psychic divination of the future], gold and silver treasures of the mosques were ransacked and stolen by the European aristocracy who we today loosely call The Illuminati. There can be no doubt that historically, Baron Rothschild, Herzl and many senior Britiah-Hebrew politicians and bankers have been stage-managing the overthrow of the Palestinian nation. Palestine is the nation where Judaism, Christianity and Islam all believe that Jerusalem is their most sacred city. But there is a fourth religion which also considers Jerusalem and Palestine to be its homeland - and that is Satanism. Ah yes, let us not forget that Satanism and the diabolists of the Ordo Templi Orientis, the Choronzon Club and, of course, the upper echelon Hebrew-demonists of world international freemasonry all consider Jerusalem [sometimes called ZION] to be their Homeland. Ancient texts describing Jewish parents killing their own children to appease God have forever tarnished the Jewish crown. For example, In the Book of Judges, Jephthah vows to God, saying, If you give the Ammonites into my hands, whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the Lord’s, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering (as worded in the New International Version). Jephthah succeeds in winning an immense victory, devastating several enemy towns, but he returns to his home in Mizpah only to see his daughter, dancing to the sound of timbrels, outside. Though despondent, he sacrifices his child to God as he had promised. The Hebrew Bible also mentions what appears to be child sacrifice practiced at a place called the Tophet (roasting place) by the Canaanites, ancestors of the Carthaginians, and by some Israelites. The old Jewish king Moab gave his firstborn son and heir as a whole burnt offering - meaning that he burned his own baby in order to maintain his pact [covenant] with God. Of course, such a heinous crime would suggest that the God of the old Israelites may have been demonic. The word Holocaust literally means completely consumed by fire, originally applied to burnt sacrifices. There are Rabbis such as Ovadia Yosef who claim that the millions of Jews who perished in the Holocaust of NAZI Germany were sinners who had been reincarnated to atone [ie; suffer] for their sins. Rabbi Yosef was born in Iraq - not Israel - in fact, the entire Iraqi economy was controlled by the Jewish Saatchi & Sassoon families. ZION... Zion is not a nation - it is merely a sacred mound of earth in Jerusalem - and the Jewish Americans at the Pentagon seem to be willing to sacrifice millions of [mostly Gentile-Christian] souls in order to have 100% control of the entire region. The modern day situation resembles the murderous piety of Pope Urban II and the Templars. That hilltop - known as Zion - is where children had their throats cut - In Leviticus 18:21, 20:3 and Deuteronomy 12:30-31, 18:10, the Torah contains laws forbidding child sacrifice - so it is very obvious that child sacrifice was rife in ancient Israel. Mark S. Smith says that the term Topeth in Isaiah 30:27–33 indicates an acceptance of child sacrifice in Israeli ritual, to which the law in Leviticus 20:2–5 forbidding child sacrifice is a response. Various Hebrew scholars have confirmed this - Jon D. Levenson, Susan Nidditch and Susan Ackerman have stated that at least some Israelites believed child sacrifice was a legitimate part of ancient Israelite religion - and then, of course, we have to consider the Medieval slurs of the Blood Libels which caused waves of anti-semitism in Europe. Generally speaking, Jewish people are lampooned and portrayed in tabloid cartoons playing the Jewish Piano [a cash register] and absorbed in mercantile activity - and have developed the lending of money to an art form - remember Shakespeares MERCHANT OF VENICE? Snarky people rarely like repaying a loan and therefore many Jewish families have been persecuted by their former clients. Entire Jewish Ghettoes were set up to imprison the formerly wealthy Jewish money lenders. If you remember, even Jesus took a nasty turn towards the Money-lenders of the Temple - and he was Jewish himself! Repayment of delayed loans could sometimes lead to a Jewish bride inter-marrying into a noble European House as part of their debt. Consequently, European palaces are brimming with horse-featured ladies such as Princess Anne, and other Goyish-Royals. Brilliantly clever Hebrew bankers and gold dealers indebted the leaders of the Roman Empire. Consequently, the Roman Emperors expelled vast numbers of Jews and triggered the European Exodus which saw their mound of earth being absorbed back into the Muslim kingdom. Many of the exiled changed their names and took on the names of their local towns. The entire nation of France and the major part of the Netherlands became Jewish. Many threw away their judaic religion and became Catholics to avoid persecution - which is what happened to Michel Nostradamus in Aix en Provence in France. Hence, today, we see the entire nation of France being mostly made up of dispossessed Jews - people who have no idea that they are Jewish, with no money, because an elite race of Franco-Hungarian Hebrew politicians tricking the French people into paying ridiculously high taxes. It is no secret that the French quarter of Switzerland, and France itself - especially Paris - became the international epicentre of Satanism… TO BE CONTINUED IN A FEW HOURS!!! Check back on this Feed Your Brain page or the page of Christopher Everard for PART 2. For a penny, on the streets of Paris, books of curses, spells, and black magic rituals could be purchased. The authorship was invariably attributed to King Solomon of ancient Israel. There is a new 42-part series about The Occult World on THE ENIGMA CHANNEL - it is banned from YouTube - check out our exclusive documentaries about subjects which are culled from the mainstream media Source : enigmatv/the_enigma_channel/Sign_Up.html
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 17:40:28 +0000

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