The CIAs boxing syndicate mob boss again was allowed to sleep - TopicsExpress


The CIAs boxing syndicate mob boss again was allowed to sleep assault me by immediately having me awakened feeling out of my mind with the foul earthy odor of illicit mushrooms emanating from my stomach, pain in my anus followed by the mob in the parking lot making loud chirping noises from one of the cars repetitively for an entire hour. The criminals then proceded to feed a lot more garbage into my stomach for the rest of the night so I awoke with a headache and still feeling messed up from the drugging. The man or elephant perversion of the boxing syndicate continues as they spent nearly 2 years now repetitively tube feeding and drugging or poisoning me on a nightly basis as the CIA tries to derive benefit from its expulsion scarecrowing stunt. The crooks meanwhile are back to trying to cover themselves: were telling people hes crazy people know hes crazy I want him over we wasted our feedings on that jerk keep putting mushrooms into that a**hole hes f***ing fat he has to be fat were wrecking him fat take away his keyboard we have to wreck his keyboard kill that stupid laptop hes anti-social we need to fix this jerk well never fix that retard he destroyed his endurance we cant train that a**hole Heman blew his sponsorship hes crazy people know hes an elephant keep feeding that loser were ruining his food everyone hates his energy we have to ruin his energy etc and so forth. May Allah expose and destroy this criminal and his band of mobsters.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 08:01:24 +0000

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