The CNN series The Sixties continues tonight with The - TopicsExpress


The CNN series The Sixties continues tonight with The Assassination of President Kennedy. I suspect its not a show but a re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-run of the show they ran (over and over) during the 50th anniversary last Nov. While the show does have some rare and rarely seen footage, the idea of doing this type of retrospective was done before, a few years ago, by the U.S. history channel. The major differences were the history channel complete show was 3 hours long and covered the event AND the controversy over the decades. It also did not have any talking head interviews with participants offering their opinion. It was just the raw footage with no comments, no interviews. The CNN show is produced by Tom Hanks production company. Hanks waded into the controversy a few years ago when his buddy, fellow actor Bill Paxton, convinced Tom to obtain the movie rights to Vincent Bugliosis huge, but intellectually dishonest, book Reclaiming History. Original plans had called for a 10-part HBO mini-series. That fell through. Then it was reduced to poorly distributed, poorly marketed and poorly attended feature film called Parkland. The CNN show is, IMO, an hope-for opportunity by Hanks to redeem his time and investment and to promote himself as a historian. His track record suggests he should stick to acting.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 09:40:36 +0000

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