The Carnival Is Over – We are sure to be hearing a lot about - TopicsExpress


The Carnival Is Over – We are sure to be hearing a lot about what the election results have told us, and it is true that they tell us many things. Things such as 1. People don’t like a Party with infighting going on constantly. 2. The public don’t like the direction the Right Faction has taken the Labor Party 3. Even so The Labor Party is still the most popular political party in Australia with the Liberals still having to rely on preferences from the National Party to form government 4. A look at how the senate vote has played out makes it clear that people don’t trust Tony Abbott and don’t trust him or his party with too much control. The number of primary votes came out like this Australian Labor Party 3,596,825 votes Liberal Party 3,369,726 votes Liberal National Party 927,826 votes The Greens 893,964 votes The Nationals 489,150 Interestingly enough The Greens, whom the Coalition write-off as a fringe Party, are virtually on par with The Liberal Nationals whom the Liberals rely on to form government as they are yet to be able to form government in their own right in my lifetime, and more than 80% greater that the Nationals who also form the Coalition. Those who had trust issues with Tony Abbott didn’t have to wait long before their suspicions about his ability to spin the gospel truth were confirmed. Tony Abbott hasn’t even been sworn in yet and already things are looking shaky.[Senate?] On the “stronger more diversified economy” experts now say that there will be little difference between the two parties on the economic front with revenue and overall taxes remaining largely the same. More........................
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 07:36:22 +0000

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