The Clean Up Woman Scenario Most cleanup women are met at - TopicsExpress


The Clean Up Woman Scenario Most cleanup women are met at work. They have a demeanor about them that makes them appear innocent, trustworthy and likeable. However there is really no physical attraction to this woman other then you get the feeling that she is really a good woman for the right guy. For some reason she seems to be fond of you and appears very attentive to your needs at work. She keeps you informed of when there is a fresh pot of coffee perking, always takes notice to anything new or different about you and just seems to be like a great gal pal. She never forgets your birthday and always seems to remember you or select your name for a Christmas. She is also a great cook and is always trying to get you to sample some of her cooking. This co-worker watches what you have for lunch to the point of embarrassment. On several occasions she has asked you if your wife cooks. However she appears pretty harmless and you could careless because personally she is not your type! One day you have a bad day at home with your wife and she picks up on this somber mood almost instantly. She wants to know if you are alright and if she can do anything for you. She is very concerned and attempts to make you happy the next day by bringing in your favorite dish. Before it is all said and done the two of you are now lunch buddies. It is not uncommon for her to ask you about your wife and you feel like this is just what women do. Your wife calls while the two of you are enjoying the dish that she was so thoughtful to prepare for you and you send her call to voice mail so that you can enjoy the home cooked meal that your coworker has so thoughtfully prepared without interruption. Besides your wife is always so busy she hardly ever takes time out to cook or sit down and have a meal with you. A few minutes pass by and your wife calls back again. The co-worker laughs when your phone rings and says wow I think you better answer that. You pick up the phone and tell your wife that you are in a meeting and will call her back. Suddenly, you feel compelled to explain to the co-worker about something that happened at home and disclose that you really are in no mood to talk to your wife right now. The next day the co-worker suddenly looks great! You can’t figure out if it is the new hairdo or the tight outfit that she is wearing. You never took notice to her like this before. Needless to say you feel that it was kind of her to prepare a meal for you, especially since your wife hasn’t cooked in weeks. Being the great guy that you are, you invite her out to lunch, but to keep down confusion with your other co-workers you ask her to meet you at a nice secluded restaurant on the other side of town. Unexpectedly, you now feel like you are receiving marital counseling from your co-worker. When it is all said and done the two of you are talking on a very personal level. She is really in a state of shock and cannot believe that your wife seems to be so inattentive to your needs. She also makes it known that many women would love to have a guy of your stature. This type of flattery is like music to your ears compared to what your wife had to say before you left the house for work.. Right on cue the co-worker begins to tell you about her past relationship with a married man. Before you know it two hours have gone by and the two of you rush back to work. The next day the moment you see your co-worker she says we have to talk. The Co-worker later emails you and ask if you would like to meet at the same place same time. You explain to her that you must run to a bank machine and she says that’s okay, I have it. This time you take a really good look at her and realize that this isn’t a bad looking woman and right at that moment almost as if your wife has radar, your cell phone rings. This time you appear really agitated and turn your cell phone off. The co-worker laughs and tells you there is no problem if you want to talk to your wife it is okay. These stolen moments become sacred and you start to have them like a ritual. To Be Continued: by Tamara Neal
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 00:56:21 +0000

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