The Coded Meaning Of The Twelve Days Of Christmas For the - TopicsExpress


The Coded Meaning Of The Twelve Days Of Christmas For the majority of us, chances are good that you have memories of Christmas holidays gone by. Even if you do not happen to be a Christian, you will most likely give some though and consideration to a season of kindness and reflection. It has been part of every Christmas to sing yuletide carols. Unlike the usual music that we hear every day, Christmas songs are considered as unforgettable classics of our times. Thus, the origin of each music composition would always interest us. One of these songs is “The 12 Days of Christmas”. You can listen to this Christmas carol, in it entirety on internet radio. When King Henry VIII began Protestantism in England, Catholics were banned from professing their own religious beliefs. Not only that it was treated a Taboo but also it was considered as a crime against the state. Even the simplest possession of the Bible is dealt with violently. Nonetheless, practicing Catholics worshiped in secret. On these tough times for Catholics, The Twelve Days of Christmas was born. At first, it was believed to be a hidden way for Catholics to edify their children, however no evidence was presented to validate this accusation, so even the Protestants began to add it to their Christmas repertoire. The carol was made carefully to contain symbols that signified certain meanings. Even the slightest implication was avoided when writing the lyrics of the song to prevent suspicions of the Catholics delightedly singing it. Christmas is celebrated across the globe within 12 days. It starts on Christmas day and ends on January 6, the day Epiphany is celebrated. So let’s reveal the coded meaning of the lyrics that tricked the Protestant king and his loyal entourage. In the song God was referred to as the “true love” while the Catholic devotes were referred to as the singer (“me”). The carol proceeds as follows, on the first day of Christmas my true love game to me. These lyrics are all available on free online music. 1. A “partridge in a pear tree”this line refers to Jesus who gave his life for us by dying on the cross. A partridge was commonly used those days to refer to a divine king. 2. “Two turtle doves”, this line is a reference to the two Bible testaments, the old and new, and doves are often representative of peace. 3. “Three French hens”these refer to the three gifts of the Holy Spirit, faith, love and hope. Sometimes this line can also refer to the Holy Trinity, God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 4. “Four calling birds”, this is a reference to the four Gospels of the New Testament, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. 5. “Five golden rings”, this line refers to the first five books of the Old Testament, that were written by Moses. 6. “Six geese a-laying”refers to the number of days that everything is created. 7. “Seven swans a swimming”refers to the save gifts of the Holy Spirit 8. “Eight maids a milking”refers to the teachings of Jesus, the eight Beatitudes. 9. “Nine ladies dancing”, is a reference to the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. 10. “Ten lords a leaping” refers to the Bible’s Ten Commandments as delivered to Moses on Mount Sinai. 11. “Eleven pipers piping”refers to Jesus’ faithful disciples 12. “Twelve drummers drumming”refers to the twelve articles of the Apostle’s creed. We hope this will give you a deeper understanding, the next time that you listen to this Christmas carol. Check out our great music selections at: internet radio To engage in a great musical experience go to: internet radio station
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 03:33:34 +0000

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