The Cold Stares return to Summit City this Saturday night at 9:30 - TopicsExpress


The Cold Stares return to Summit City this Saturday night at 9:30 pm est! Join Whitesburg and Summit City this Saturday night for one of the most promising bands we can give you in The Cold Stares Tickets on sale now at summitcitylounge Authenticity. A word that is frequently used in describing The Cold Stares, and frequently missing from modern music discussions. “We’re not just a blues band, or just a rock band, or anything other than who we are”, front man Chris Tapp says. There is a power and a realness that is arrived at by just doing what you do best. The Cold Stares do that. Formed in 2008 after the duo had spent a number of years in other bands, Chris Tapp and Brian Mullins got together for the sole reason to just jam. No preconceived notions on what the project should be. Just do what comes naturally. The result is a hard rocking, story based brand of rock and roll that is sung from the soul. Chris’ unique guitar rig, along with Mullin’s giant bass drum provides a visual and sonic landscape for the two to travel on different paths than other acts. In fact, you may find yourself looking for another member behind the curtains but it’s just these two men. “The first time I saw them,” says Nashville radio personality Dan Buckley, “I thought they had at least two other musicians secretly behind the curtain. There’s just no way that sound comes from the two of them.” As Huffington Post writer Radley Balko wrote in describing the first time he saw the group at 3rd and Lindsley in Nashville- “This will go on for an hour. Between songs, people will whisper. They’re asking one another if anyone knows who the hell this is. And it’s here that you and everyone in the room will have the same realization just about everyone else has the first time they see they hear the Cold Stares live: These guys are better than the band you came to see.” The Cold Stares success has come from hard work and perseverance. Their climb is based on keeping everything in house. From booking, to promotion, recording and merchandise design, Chris and Brian have handled it at all themselves with great success. *Singer Chris Tapp has come back from a year battle with cancer, returning to the road and currently in the studio with producer Mark Needham, publishing deal with Peer Music. Major label first release TBA.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 09:30:35 +0000

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