The Concerned Ghanaians for Responsible Governance (CGRG), - TopicsExpress


The Concerned Ghanaians for Responsible Governance (CGRG), the organizers of the # OccupyFlagstaffHouse Protest, are threatening to embark on another # OccupyFlagstaffHouse protest if the government fails to address concerns listed in their petition. The group on July 1, embarked on a street protest against the harsh socio-economic conditions facing Ghanaians. They presented a petition to the presidency, which the President promised to address. But the group in a statement signed by the Executive Secretary, George Kojo Anti, indicated that since their widely publicized protest on July 1, not much has been done to address the concerns that were presented to the Presidency, hence their decision to embark on another protest soon. The statement, however, urged Ghanaians to continue with the weekly ‘Red Friday’ silent protest to press home their demands until they are met. On Friday, August 8, the group wants Ghanaians to wear red to push the government to take more robust steps to fight corruption, as well as limit the opportunities for public officials to be corrupt. The group also wants citizens to pressurize government to address genuine and salient issues concerning the education sector. “For now, we call on all Ghanaians to join the cause and support the August #RedFriday. Wear something red this Friday, 8th August 2014 as a mark of solidarity with the course for responsible and accountable governance,” the statement said. Find below the full statement #REDFRIDAY PROTEST ON FIGHTING CORRUPTION AND DECLINE IN THE EDUCATION SECTOR. AUGUST 8, 2014. GROUP: CONCERNED GHANAIANS FOR RESPONSIBLE GOVERNANCE In our petition dated 1st July, 2014 and presented to His Excellency the President of the Republic of Ghana during the #OccupyFlagstaffHouse Protest, we tabled some of the unbearable challenges that confront us as Ghanaians. Despite government’s assurance to take steps to alleviate the plight of the ordinary Ghanaian, there has been little commitment to undertake decisive, time bound actions aimed at addressing the concerns. While we do not expect an immediate turnaround of the issues we tabled, we do not expect the levels of hardship to worsen either. The decision of the TUC and Organized Labour to follow us with their July 24th nationwide demonstration provides ample evidence of the continued hardship faced by Ghanaians today, and further proof that every sector is now affected by the on-going economic crisis caused by the mismanagement of the public purse. Growth is slowing; despite rising oil output and Government borrowing and inflation keeps rising. The cedi continues to depreciate and has lost about 40% of its value this year. It is now, according to Bloomberg, the world’s worst performing currency. Virtually all statutory payments are in arrears. This Friday, we urge all Ghanaians to wear RED for two reasons. 1. Push the government to address genuine and salient issues concerning the education sector. Schools lack basic teaching aids and learning materials and students continue to bear the brunt of the ineptitude of Government. POTAG has been on strike for nearly three months. UTAG is also currently on strike. Despite an order of a court of competent jurisdiction, the Government is yet to pay the arrears owed the GETFund. 2. Push the government to take more robust steps to fight corruption and to limit the opportunities for public officials to be corrupt. We have an ailing economy coupled with a flourishing corrupt enterprise. Other than setting up committees and commissions to look into alleged cases of corruption, virtually no decisive action is taken by Government to stop this destructive behaviour. Seldom do the decisions of these committees reach the public. They merely prolong the inevitable and provide a cover for corrupt behaviour. In addition, Government is yet to enforce the orders of the Supreme Court, procured at the instance of Occupier Hon. Martin Amidu, to retrieve the monies wrongfully paid as judgement debts to Waterville, Isofoton and Mr. Alfred Woyome. We recognise Occupier Hon. Martin Amidu’s efforts and deem it as encouragement and motivation to keep doing all we can to make Ghana work again. Life in Ghana is unbearable. However, Government appears either unwilling or unable to arrest the downward spiral. Sadly, the President in a recent interview with the BBC portrayed issues of mismanagement and corruption raised by citizens during recent demonstrations as mere evidence of freedom of expression enjoyed by Ghanaians. Although government has consistently argued it is aware of the plight of Ghanaians, it is yet to take measures to address the issues raised by citizens. Unfortunately, ASSURANCES are not SOLUTIONS, particularly when there are no timelines or strategies attached. Therefore, we serve notice that we will be left with no other option than to roll out another sequel to # OccupyFlagstaffHouse protest shortly. For now, we call on all Ghanaians to join the cause and support the August #RedFriday. Wear something red this Friday, 8th August 2014 as a mark of solidarity with the cause for responsible and accountable governance. Add your voice to the voices of your fellow citizens. Put pressure on Government to halt the activities that encapsulate Ghanaians into hardship. We gave our leaders a mandate – to govern this country, to deliver a functioning state and to make our lives better. We must ensure they live up to that mandate. Ghana WILL work again. It is our civic duty and responsibility to ensure it does. Let the people’s voice be heard. Visit our Facebook page OccupyGhana and get involved. GOD BLESS OUR HOMELAND GHANA. MAY HE CAUSE OUR LEADERS TO GOVERN IN A MANNER THAT WILL MAKE OUR NATION GREAT AND STRONG. SIGNED George Kojo Anti Executive Secretary Have your say
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 06:51:51 +0000

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